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How to: Program the Designer Region of the Status Bar

The Designer region of the Visual Studio status bar displays information pertinent to editing, such as the line number or column number of the cursor location.

To program the Designer region of the Visual Studio status bar

  1. Obtain an instance of the IVsStatusbar interface, which is made available through the SVsStatusbar service.

  2. Update the Designer region of the status bar by calling the SetInsMode and SetLineColChar methods of the IVsStatusbar instance.


This example demonstrates how to program the Designer region of the status bar.

void DisplayDesignerRegionInfo(IVsStatusbar statusBar, 
    bool insert, int line, int column, int character)
    // Set insert/overstrike mode.
    object mode = insert ? 0 : 1;
    statusBar.SetInsMode(ref mode);

    // Display Ln ## Col ## Ch ## information.
    object ln = line, col = column, ch = character;
    statusBar.SetLineColChar(ref ln, ref col, ref ch);

See Also


How to: Read from and Write to the Feedback Region of the Status Bar

How to: Program the Progress Bar Region of the Status Bar

How to: Use the Animation Region of the Status Bar


Status Bar