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Specifies that one or more variables that are private to each thread are the subject of a reduction operation at the end of the parallel region.




  • operation
    The operator for the operation to perform on the variables (var) at the end of the parallel region.

  • var
    One more more variables on which to perform scalar reduction. If more than one variable is specified, separate variable names with a comma.


reduction applies to the following directives:

For more information, see reduction.


// omp_reduction.cpp
// compile with: /openmp
#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>

#define NUM_THREADS 4
#define SUM_START   1
#define SUM_END     10
#define FUNC_RETS   {1, 1, 1, 1, 1}

int bRets[5] = FUNC_RETS;
int nSumCalc = ((SUM_START + SUM_END) * (SUM_END - SUM_START + 1)) / 2;

int func1( ) {return bRets[0];}
int func2( ) {return bRets[1];}
int func3( ) {return bRets[2];}
int func4( ) {return bRets[3];}
int func5( ) {return bRets[4];}

int main( ) 
    int nRet = 0, 
        nCount = 0, 
        nSum = 0, 
        bSucceed = 1;


    #pragma omp parallel reduction(+ : nCount)
        nCount += 1;

        #pragma omp for reduction(+ : nSum)
        for (i = SUM_START ; i <= SUM_END ; ++i)
            nSum += i;

        #pragma omp sections reduction(&& : bSucceed)
            #pragma omp section
                bSucceed = bSucceed && func1( );

            #pragma omp section
                bSucceed = bSucceed && func2( );

            #pragma omp section
                bSucceed = bSucceed && func3( );

            #pragma omp section
                bSucceed = bSucceed && func4( );

            #pragma omp section
                bSucceed = bSucceed && func5( );

    printf_s("The parallel section was executed %d times "
             "in parallel.\n", nCount);
    printf_s("The sum of the consecutive integers from "
             "%d to %d, is %d\n", 1, 10, nSum);

    if (bSucceed)
        printf_s("All of the the functions, func1 through "
                 "func5 succeeded!\n");
        printf_s("One or more of the the functions, func1 "
                 "through func5 failed!\n");

    if (nCount != NUM_THREADS) 
        printf_s("ERROR: For %d threads, %d were counted!\n", 
                 NUM_THREADS, nCount);
        nRet |= 0x1;

    if (nSum != nSumCalc) 
        printf_s("ERROR: The sum of %d through %d should be %d, "
                "but %d was reported!\n", 
                SUM_START, SUM_END, nSumCalc, nSum);
        nRet |= 0x10;

    if (bSucceed != (bRets[0] && bRets[1] && 
                     bRets[2] && bRets[3] && bRets[4])) 
        printf_s("ERROR: The sum of %d through %d should be %d, "
                 "but %d was reported!\n", 
                 SUM_START, SUM_END, nSumCalc, nSum);
        nRet |= 0x100;

The parallel section was executed 4 times in parallel. The sum of the consecutive integers from 1 to 10, is 55 All of the the functions, func1 through func5 succeeded!

See Also


OpenMP Clauses