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Resize a workspace panel

You can resize a workspace panel to give yourself more area for the artboard or more room to view panel contents.

To resize a docked panel

  • Move your pointer over the border of the panel that you want to resize. When the horizontal cursor Cc295127.dc20c107-987b-4a57-8eb4-4d7409e12637(en-us,Expression.30).png or vertical cursor Cc295127.64937cd7-b47b-4195-9bb4-4e87149785b7(en-us,Expression.30).png appears, you can drag the border to resize the panel.

    Panel borders that can be dragged
    Resizing handles for docked panels


    The Tools panel cannot be resized while it is docked.

To resize a floating panel

  • Move your pointer over an edge or a corner of the floating panel that you want to resize. When the horizontal cursor Cc295127.dc20c107-987b-4a57-8eb4-4d7409e12637(en-us,Expression.30).png, vertical cursor Cc295127.64937cd7-b47b-4195-9bb4-4e87149785b7(en-us,Expression.30).png, or diagonal cursor Cc295127.fdf846ac-73ee-46e1-8de0-d66d061f95c6(en-us,Expression.30).png appears, you can drag the edge or corner to resize the panel.

    Edges of floating panels that can be dragged
    Resizing handles for floating panels

See also


Show or hide all workspace panels

Float, dock, or move a workspace panel