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Malware protection counters

The following table lists the performance counters for malware protection.

Performance counter Description

Malware Protection - Items Handled     

The number of items currently being handled by the Malware Protection Web filter.

Malware Protection - Total Items Handled

The total number of items handled by the Malware Protection Web filter since the service was last started.

Malware Protection - Average Accumulation Duration (msec) 

The average amount of time to accumulate each item, in milliseconds.

Malware Protection -   Average Inspection Duration (msec) 

The average amount of time used to inspect each item, in milliseconds.

Malware Protection - Items Trickled (Standard Trickling)

The number of items currently being trickled to clients using standard trickling.

Malware Protection - Items Trickled (Fast Trickling)

The number of items currently being trickled to clients using fast trickling.

Malware Protection -   Total Items Trickled (Standard Trickling)

The total number of items that were trickled to clients using standard trickling since the service was started.

Malware Protection -   Total Items Trickled (Fast Trickling)

The total number of items that were trickled to clients using fast trickling since the service was started.

Malware Inspection -  Average Trickled Size (Standard Trickling, Bytes)

The average size, in bytes, of content trickled using standard trickling per trickled item.

Malware Inspection -  Average Trickled Size (Fast Trickling, Bytes)

The average size, in bytes, of content trickled using fast trickling per trickled item.

Malware Protection - Items in Progress Page

The number of items for which progress pages are currently being used.

Malware Protection - Total Items in Progress Page

The total number of items for which progress pages were used since the service was started.

Malware Protection -   Average Progress Page Status Requests

The average number of status requests per item for which progress pages were used.

Malware Inspection - Streaming Items

The total number of items exempted from inspection because they were identified as streaming content.

Malware Inspection - Total Excluded Item

The total number of items exempted from inspection because they were in the exempted destinations list.

Malware Inspection - Disk Accumulation (%)

Current percentage of items using disk accumulation out of the total number of items currently being handled.

Malware Inspection - Allocated Disk Space (Bytes)

The disk space, in bytes, allocated by the Malware Inspection Filter for accumulation and inspection.

Malware Inspection - Disk Errors

The total number of disk errors encountered by the Malware Inspection Filter.

Malware Inspection - Total Partial Inspections (Standard Trickling)

The total number of partial inspections (inspection of partial content before it is trickled) for standard trickling.

Malware Inspection - Total Partial Inspections (Fast Trickling)

The total number of partial inspections (inspection of partial content before it is trickled) for fast trickling.

Malware Inspection - Partial Inspections per Item (Standard Trickling)

The average number of partial inspections (inspection of partial content before it is trickled) for standard trickling per trickled item.

Malware Inspection - Partial Inspections per Item (Fast Trickling )

The average number of partial inspections (inspection of partial content before it is trickled) for fast trickling per trickled item.

Malware Inspection - Inspections Failed

The total number of items that were blocked due to an inspection failure.

Malware Inspection - Items Blocked (Size Exceeded)

The total number of items that were blocked because the file size exceeded the configured limit.

Malware Inspection - Items Blocked (Unpacked Size Exceeded)

The total number of items that were blocked because the file size after unpacking exceeded the configured limit.

Malware Inspection - Items Blocked (Nesting Levels Exceeded)

The total number of items that were blocked because the nesting level limit was exceeded.

Malware Inspection - Items Blocked (Corrupted)

The total number of items that were blocked because the file was corrupted.

Malware Inspection - Items Blocked (Encrypted)

The total number of items that were blocked because the file was encrypted.

Malware Inspection - Items Blocked (Infected)

The total number of items that were blocked because the file was infected.

Malware Inspection - Items Blocked (Suspicious)

The total number of items that were blocked because the file was suspicious.

Malware Inspection - Items Blocked (Unknown Encoding)

The total number of items that were blocked because the file encoding was unknown.

Malware Inspection - Items Blocked (Timeout)

The total number of items that were blocked because the inspection timed out.

Malware Inspection - Items Cleaned

The total number of items that were found infected and were successfully cleaned.

Malware Inspection - Ping Timeouts

The total number of ping timeouts during progress page processing.

Malware Inspection - Download Timeouts

The total number of download timeouts during progress page processing.

Malware Inspection - Extended Quota Usage (%)

Current percentage of extended quota used out of the total extended quota pool.

Malware Inspection - Average Extended Quota Usage Time

The average amount of time, in milliseconds, of extended quota usage, since the service started.

Malware Inspection - Extended Quota Exceeded

The total number of times the extended quota was exceeded.

Malware Inspection - Extended Quota Unavailable

The total number of times the extended quota was required, but not available.

Malware Inspection - Extended Quota Exceeded Delta

The number of times the extended quota was exceeded in the last period.

Malware Inspection - Extended Quota Unavailable Delta

The number of times the extended quota was required, but not available, in the last period.