Appendix A - Command-Line Option Error Codes
Updated: May 13, 2016
Applies To: System Center 2012 SP1 - Service Manager, System Center 2012 R2 Service Manager, System Center 2012 - Service Manager
The following is a list of the error codes that are used in the command-line installation of System Center 2012 – Service Manager.
Error code | Error |
-16 | PreUpgradeCheckFailed |
-15 | InvalidCommandLine |
-14 | FailedPrerequisiteChecks |
-1 | Failed |
0 | Successful |
200 | DuplicateDataLogPath |
201 | DuplicatedCMDB |
202 | EnterValidDatabaseServer |
203 | FailedToGetCaseSensitiveAccount |
204 | FailedToValidateMgmtGrp |
205 | FullTextSearchNotInstalled |
206 | InstallPathAccessDenied |
207 | InstallPathCreateDirectory |
208 | InstallPathTooLong |
209 | InvalidCMDB |
210 | InvalidDatabaseConfiguration |
211 | InvalidDatabaseSize |
212 | InvalidDataLogPath |
213 | InvalidDwServer |
214 | InvalidInstallPath |
215 | InvalidPrereqResultFile |
216 | InvalidProductKey |
217 | InvalidReportServerConfig |
218 | InvalidSCSM |
219 | InvalidSmAdminGroup |
220 | InvalidSqlInstance |
221 | InvalidSqlServiceState |
222 | InvalidToInstalleScsm |
223 | InvCharInMG |
224 | MgmtGrpRegistryExist |
225 | MissingSetupFiles |
226 | NotEnoughFreeSpace |
227 | NotEnoughFreeSpaceOnSqlServer |
228 | NotLocalAdminOnSqlServer |
229 | NotWin2k8x64Machine |
230 | NotVistaSP2OrAboveMachine |
231 | NullDatabaseName |
232 | NullMG |
233 | NullSMAdmin |
234 | OldDwDatabaseExist |
235 | orMessageBoxTitle |
236 | PrimarySdkServerEmpty |
237 | RequiredFreeDiskSpace |
238 | RequiredFreeDiskSpaceForDataFile |
239 | RequiredFreeDiskSpaceForLogFile |
240 | ScomAgentInstalled |
241 | ScomServerInstalled |
242 | ScsmComponentsInstalled |
243 | SelectCMDB |
244 | SelectSqlServerInstance |
245 | ServerAccessDenied |
246 | ServerNotFound |
247 | SetupAlreadyRunning |
248 | SetupCancelByUser |
249 | SetupCrashMsg |
250 | SetupFailedAt |
251 | SetupFailedWithMsior |
252 | SqlAccessDenied |
253 | SsrsInvalidWebUrl |
254 | SsrsNeedSecureUrl |
255 | SsrsNotInstalledOn |
256 | TestCredentialsFailed |
257 | TestCredentialsNotLocalAdmin |
258 | TooLongDatabaseName |
259 | TooLongMG |
260 | UnableToNavogateFolderOnRemoteServer |
261 | UncDataLogPath |
262 | UnsupportedSQL |
263 | UserNotSysAdmin |
264 | FaildToConnectAD |
265 | ScsmSameVersionInstalled |
266 | InvalidWebSiteName |
267 | InvCharInWebSiteName |
268 | TooLongWebSiteName |
269 | InvalidWebSitePort |
270 | WebSiteNameInUse |
271 | WebSitePortInUse |
272 | DWServerInstalled |
273 | SMServerInstalled |
274 | SMConsoleInstalled |
275 | SMPortalInstalled |
276 | IISNotConfigured |
277 | FailedToConnectToAD |
278 | SmAdminIsDomainAdministrators |
279 | InvalidRegisteredOwner |
280 | InvalidRegisteredOrganization |
281 | IIS7RoleNotEnable |
282 | Not64BitSetup |
283 | DatabaseSqlStoreNotFound |
284 | ScomUIInstalled |
285 | InvalidDatabaseName |
286 | InvalidCMDBVersion |
287 | UNCPathExpected |
288 | DataDirectoryDoesNotExist |
289 | AnalysisServicesNotInstalled |
290 | DuplicatedASDatabaseID |
3010 | SuccessfulNeedReboot |