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Properties of Form Controls


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 SP1 - Service Manager, System Center 2012 R2 Service Manager, System Center 2012 - Service Manager

The table in this topic lists the properties of System Center 2012 – Service Manager form controls. This information can help you customize and create forms in the System Center 2012 – Service Manager Authoring Tool.

Table of Control Properties

Most properties of Service Manager forms are based on Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) properties, and other properties are defined by Service Manager. The following table provides details about the WPF-based property groups and their respective properties, when they are applicable. For more information about WPF properties, see System.Windows.Controls Namespace on MSDN.

Service Manager property group Service Manager property name Source of property WPF-based property group/property Additional information
Appearance Opacity WPF UIElement/Opacity
Visibility WPF UIElement/Visibility
Binding Binding Mode WPF Binding/Mode
Binding Path Service Manager and WPF Binding/Path Binds the control to the property that the control displays. The control dynamically displays the property that it is bound to, updating the value as it changes. The type of the control and the type of the displayed property must match; for example, the type of the Binding Path property of a Date Picker control must be Date.
Binds directly to source WPF Binding/BindsDirectlyToSource
Date Date Format Service Manager N/A The format in which the control displays the date, such as “Full date and time”, and “Short”.
Drawing Source Path Service Manager N/A A path to the image file in an Image control.
Stretch WPF Image/Stretch
Stretch Direction WPF Viewbox/StretchDirection
Brush Background Brush N/A N/A The background color in the control.
Foreground Brush N/A N/A The foreground color in the control, basically, the color of text.
Instance Instance Type Service Manager N/A The type of the instance in a Single Instance Picker control. The value is a class, such as Activity, Computer, or a custom class.
Instance type internal name Service Manager N/A The internal name of the Instance Type property.
Label Content WPF ContentControl/Content A fixed string to be displayed in the label.
Font Family WPF TextBlock/FontFamily
Font Size WPF TextBlock/FontSize
Font Style WPF TextBlock/FontStyle
Font Weight WPF TextBlock/FontWeight
Label Binding Mode WPF Binding/Mode
Label Binding Path Service Manager and WPF N/A Included in almost all controls. Binds the label of the control to the property that this control displays.
Label binds directly to source WPF Binding/BindsDirectlyToSource
Layout Height WPF FrameworkElement/Height Can be set to Auto or to NaN, allowing for dynamic adjustment of size.
Horizontal Alignment WPF FrameworkElement/HorizontalAlignment
Minimum Height WPF FrameworkElement/MinHeight Can be set to Auto or to NaN, allowing for dynamic adjustment of size.
Minimum Width WPF FrameworkElement/MinWidth Can be set to Auto or to NaN, allowing for dynamic adjustment of size.
Vertical Alignment WPF FrameworkElement/VerticalAlignment
Width WPF FrameworkElement/Width Can be set to Auto or to NaN, allowing for dynamic adjustment of size.
List List type Service Manager N/A The type of list that this control displays. This can be an existing list or a custom list.
List type internal name Service Manager N/A The internal name of the List type property.
Margin Bottom WPF Control/Bottom Can be set to Auto or to NaN, allowing for dynamic adjustment of size.
Left WPF Control/Left Can be set to Auto or to NaN, allowing for dynamic adjustment of size.
Right WPF Control/Right Can be set to Auto or to NaN, allowing for dynamic adjustment of size.
Top WPF Control/Top Can be set to Auto or to NaN, allowing for dynamic adjustment of size.
Miscellaneous Flow Direction WPF FrameworkElement/FlowDirection
Focusable WPF UIElement/Focusable
Is Enabled WPF UIElement/IsEnabled
Name WPF FrameworkElement/Name
Text Accepts the Enter key WPF TextBox/AcceptsReturn
Content WPF ContentControl/Content
Font Family WPF TextBlock/FontFamily
Font Size WPF TextBlock/FontSize
Font Style WPF TextBlock/FontStyle
Font Weight WPF TextBlock/FontWeight
Horizontal Scroll Bar Visibility WPF TextBox/HorizontalScrollBarVisibility
Max Lines WPF TextBox/MaxLines
Text WPF TextBox/Text
Text Wrapping WPF TextBlock/TextWrapping
Vertical Scroll Bar Visibility WPF TextBox/VerticalScrollBarVisibility

See Also

Working with Forms in the Authoring Tool