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ManagementPackClass.GetRelatedClasses Method

Retrieves all the monitoring object classes related to this type by using the provided relationship type.

Namespace: Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration
Assembly: Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Core (in microsoft.enterprisemanagement.core.dll)


Dim instance As ManagementPackClass
Dim derivedClassTraversalDepth As DerivedClassTraversalDepth
Dim relationshipClass As ManagementPackRelationship
Dim traversalDepth As TraversalDepth
Dim returnValue As IList(Of ManagementPackClass)

returnValue = instance.GetRelatedClasses(derivedClassTraversalDepth, relationshipClass, traversalDepth)


Public Function GetRelatedClasses ( _
    derivedClassTraversalDepth As DerivedClassTraversalDepth, _
    relationshipClass As ManagementPackRelationship, _
    traversalDepth As TraversalDepth _
) As IList(Of ManagementPackClass)
public IList<ManagementPackClass> GetRelatedClasses (
    DerivedClassTraversalDepth derivedClassTraversalDepth,
    ManagementPackRelationship relationshipClass,
    TraversalDepth traversalDepth
IList<ManagementPackClass^>^ GetRelatedClasses (
    DerivedClassTraversalDepth derivedClassTraversalDepth, 
    ManagementPackRelationship^ relationshipClass, 
    TraversalDepth traversalDepth
public IList<ManagementPackClass> GetRelatedClasses (
    DerivedClassTraversalDepth derivedClassTraversalDepth, 
    ManagementPackRelationship relationshipClass, 
    TraversalDepth traversalDepth
public function GetRelatedClasses (
    derivedClassTraversalDepth : DerivedClassTraversalDepth, 
    relationshipClass : ManagementPackRelationship, 
    traversalDepth : TraversalDepth
) : IList<ManagementPackClass>


  • derivedClassTraversalDepth
    Indicates whether to include this class’s derived classes as targets for the relationship type.
  • relationshipClass
    The relationship class to retrieve. You can use the type and any relationship classes derived from it.
  • traversalDepth
    Indicates whether to recurse down the relationship hierarchy and include classes that are parents to classes that are parents to this type and so on.

Return Value

All the monitoring object classes related to this type.

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.


Development Platforms

Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, and

Target Platforms

Windows Server 2008,Windows Server 2003

See Also


ManagementPackClass Class
ManagementPackClass Members
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration Namespace