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Marks the specified item as requiring that all change units are included when the source provider adds the item to a change batch.

HRESULT AddAllChangeUnitsRequiredMarker(
  BYTE* pItemId);


  • pItemId
    [in] The ID of the item to mark as requiring that all change units are included.

Return Value

  • S_OK.

  • SYNC_E_ID_FORMAT_MISMATCH when pItemId is not in the ID format specified for this knowledge object.

  • SYNC_E_MARKER_MISMATCH when the knowledge object already contains items that are marked as containing all change units.


An IKnowledgeWithMarkers object can contain markers of only one type. To change the type of markers contained in the knowledge object, RemoveMarkers must be called before new markers are added.

See Also


IKnowledgeWithMarkers Interface