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Records a constraint error that occurred when attempting to apply a change to an item. The change will be reapplied or resolved later in the synchronization session.

HRESULT SetConstraintError(
  const ITEM_FIELDS *pConflictingKeyInfo);


  • pConflictingKeyInfo
    [in] The key of the item for which a constraint error is being recorded.

Return Value

  • S_OK

  • SYNC_E_PFX_CHANGE_DEFERRED_OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY_VIOLATION when the change being applied was deferred by the provider until the next synchronization session as a result of the constraint conflict.

  • SYNC_E_PFX_INVALID_OPERATION when there were multiple constraint errors, a constraint error was reported on an object that is no longer valid, or the constraint error policy does not allow constraint errors to be recoverable.

See Also


IRecoverableErrorCallback Interface