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Registers an IProviderConverter implementation that can convert the specified type of custom provider to an IKnowledgeSyncProvider.

HRESULT RegisterProviderConverter(
  REFIID rProviderIID,
  REFCLSID rConverterCLSId);


  • rProviderIID
    [in] The IID of the provider interface that this converter can convert to IKnowledgeSyncProvider.
  • rConverterCLSId
    [in] The CLSID that Sync Framework can use to create the converter object by using CoCreateInstance.

Return Value

  • S_OK

  • E_INVALIDARG when a converter is already registered for rProviderIID with a CLSID that is not the same as rConverterCLSId.



This method creates a registry key for the converter under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\MSF\ProviderConverterRegistration. The key name is rProviderIID, and is represented as a string. It has a default value of rConverterCLSId, and is represented as a string.

See Also


IProviderConverterRegistration Interface