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SqlSyncProvider Members

Represents a synchronization provider that communicates with a SQL Server database and shields other Sync Framework components from the specific implementation of the database.

The following tables list the members exposed by the SqlSyncProvider type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
Public method SqlSyncProvider Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the SqlSyncProvider class.


Public Properties

  Name Description
Public property BatchingDirectory  Gets or sets the directory in which batch files are spooled to disk.

This property is not CLS-compliant. (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Public property CleanupBatchingDirectory  Gets or sets whether to clean up batching files after the changes in the files have been applied to the destination.

This property is not CLS-compliant. (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Public property Configuration  Not implemented by RelationalSyncProvider. An exception of type NotSupportedException is thrown if you attempt to access this property.

This property is not CLS-compliant. (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Public property Connection  Gets or sets an IDbConnection object that is used to connect to the database.

This property is not CLS-compliant. (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Public property DestinationCallbacks  Gets an object that a synchronization application can use to register to receive notification of events that occur during synchronization.

This property is not CLS-compliant. (Inherited from KnowledgeSyncProvider.)
Public property IdFormats  Gets a SyncIdFormatGroup object that is used to identify entities in a synchronization session.

This property is not CLS-compliant. (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Public property MemoryDataCacheSize  Gets or sets the maximum amount of memory (in KB) that Sync Framework uses to cache changes before spooling those changes to disk.

This property is not CLS-compliant. (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Public property ObjectPrefix Gets or sets the optional prefix that is used to identify objects that Sync Framework creates.

This property is not CLS-compliant.
Public property ObjectSchema Gets or sets the optional database schema in which Sync Framework creates objects.

This property is not CLS-compliant.
Public property ScopeName Overridden. Sets the name of the scope to synchronize, which is a logical group of tables with optional filters.

This property is not CLS-compliant.
Public property SyncProviderPosition  Gets or sets a SyncProviderPosition enumeration value that represents whether a provider is associated with the local or remote database.

This property is not CLS-compliant. (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
Public method BeginSession Overridden. Called by the SyncOrchestrator to indicate that a synchronization session has started.

This method is not CLS-compliant.
Public method Dispose  Overloaded. Releases the resources that are used by the RelationalSyncProvider.(Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Public method EndSession  (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Public method Equals  Overloaded. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetChangeBatch  (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Public method GetFullEnumerationChangeBatch  (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Public method GetHashCode  (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetSyncBatchParameters  (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Public method GetType  (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ProcessChangeBatch  (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Public method ProcessFullEnumerationChangeBatch  (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Public method Dd918904.static(en-us,SQL.105).gif ReferenceEquals  (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString  (Inherited from Object.)


Protected Methods

  Name Description
Protected method CreateApplicationTransaction  When overridden in a derived class, enables an explicit transaction to be created in which to apply changes to an Oracle database.

This method is not CLS-compliant. (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Protected method CreateEnumerationTransaction  When overridden in a derived class, enables an explicit transaction to be created in which to enumerate changes from an Oracle database.

This method is not CLS-compliant. (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Protected method Dispose  Overloaded. (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Protected method Finalize  (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone  (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method OnApplyChangeFailed  (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Protected method OnApplyingChanges  (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Protected method OnApplyMetadataFailed  (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Protected method OnChangesApplied  (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Protected method OnChangesSelected  (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Protected method OnPeerOutdated  (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Protected method OnSelectingChanges  (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Protected method OnSyncProgress  (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)


Public Events

  Name Description
Public event ApplyChangeFailed  Occurs during uploading, after failing to apply a row at a node.

This event is not CLS-compliant. (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Public event ApplyingChanges  Occurs during uploading, after connecting to the database but before applying changes.

This event is not CLS-compliant. (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Public event ApplyMetadataFailed  Occurs during uploading, after failing to apply metadata for a row.

This event is not CLS-compliant. (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Public event BatchApplied  Occurs after each batch of changes has been applied to the destination.

This event is not CLS-compliant. (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Public event BatchSpooled  Occurs after each batch of changes has been written to disk.

This event is not CLS-compliant. (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Public event ChangesApplied  Occurs during uploading, after applying changes but before disconnecting from the database.

This event is not CLS-compliant. (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Public event ChangesSelected  Occurs during downloading, after enumerating changes but before disconnecting from the database.

This event is not CLS-compliant. (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Public event SelectingChanges  Occurs during downloading, after connecting to the database but before selecting changes.

This event is not CLS-compliant. (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Public event SyncPeerOutdated  Occurs before enumeration of changes if the destination node is outdated.

This event is not CLS-compliant. (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)
Public event SyncProgress  Occurs during the selection of changes (per table) and the application of changes (per row).

This event is not CLS-compliant. (Inherited from RelationalSyncProvider.)


See Also


SqlSyncProvider Class
Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.SqlServer Namespace