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DbBatchSpooledEventArgs.BatchFileName Property

Gets or sets the name of the file to which spooled changes are written.

Namespace: Microsoft.Synchronization.Data
Assembly: Microsoft.Synchronization.Data (in


<SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1702:CompoundWordsShouldBeCasedCorrectly")> _
Public Property BatchFileName As String
Dim instance As DbBatchSpooledEventArgs
Dim value As String

value = instance.BatchFileName

instance.BatchFileName = value
[SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1702:CompoundWordsShouldBeCasedCorrectly")] 
public string BatchFileName { get; set; }
[SuppressMessageAttribute(L"Microsoft.Naming", L"CA1702:CompoundWordsShouldBeCasedCorrectly")] 
property String^ BatchFileName {
    String^ get ();
    void set (String^ value);
/** @property */
public String get_BatchFileName ()

/** @property */
public void set_BatchFileName (String value)
public function get BatchFileName () : String

public function set BatchFileName (value : String)

Property Value

The name of the file to which spooled changes are written.

See Also


DbBatchSpooledEventArgs Class
DbBatchSpooledEventArgs Members
Microsoft.Synchronization.Data Namespace