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DbSyncScopeDescription.Tables Property

Gets or sets a list of DbSyncTableDescription objects that represents the tables in the scope.

Namespace: Microsoft.Synchronization.Data
Assembly: Microsoft.Synchronization.Data (in


Public ReadOnly Property Tables As DbSyncTableDescriptionCollection
Dim instance As DbSyncScopeDescription
Dim value As DbSyncTableDescriptionCollection

value = instance.Tables
public DbSyncTableDescriptionCollection Tables { get; }
property DbSyncTableDescriptionCollection^ Tables {
    DbSyncTableDescriptionCollection^ get ();
/** @property */
public DbSyncTableDescriptionCollection get_Tables ()
public function get Tables () : DbSyncTableDescriptionCollection

Property Value

A list of DbSyncTableDescription objects that represents the tables in the scope.


The following code example describes a scope named filtered_customer, and adds three tables to the scope: Customer, CustomerContact, and NewTable. The first two tables already exist in the server database, so the GetDescriptionForTable method is used to retrieve the schema from the server database. All columns from the Customer table are included, but only two columns from the CustomerContact table are included. The NewTable table is defined by using DbSyncTableDescription and DbSyncColumnDescription objects, and then the table is created in the server database (and in the other databases that synchronize with it). To view this code in the context of a complete example, see How to: Configure and Execute Collaborative Synchronization (SQL Server).

DbSyncTableDescription newTableDescription = new DbSyncTableDescription("Sales.NewTable");

DbSyncColumnDescription newTableIdCol = new DbSyncColumnDescription();
DbSyncColumnDescription newTableContentCol = new DbSyncColumnDescription();

newTableIdCol.UnquotedName = "NewTableId";
newTableIdCol.Type = "int";
newTableIdCol.IsPrimaryKey = true;

newTableContentCol.UnquotedName = "NewTableContent";
newTableContentCol.Type = "nvarchar";
newTableContentCol.Size = "100";
newTableContentCol.IsPrimaryKey = false;

Dim newTableDescription As New DbSyncTableDescription("Sales.NewTable")

Dim newTableIdCol As New DbSyncColumnDescription()
Dim newTableContentCol As New DbSyncColumnDescription()

newTableIdCol.UnquotedName = "NewTableId" 
newTableIdCol.Type = "int" 
newTableIdCol.IsPrimaryKey = True 

newTableContentCol.UnquotedName = "NewTableContent" 
newTableContentCol.Type = "nvarchar" 
newTableContentCol.Size = "100" 
newTableContentCol.IsPrimaryKey = False 


See Also


DbSyncScopeDescription Class
DbSyncScopeDescription Members
Microsoft.Synchronization.Data Namespace