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Gets the lower bound of the range of item IDs to exclude.

HRESULT GetClosedRangeStart( 
  BYTE *pbClosedRangeStart,
  DWORD *pcbIdSize);


  • pbClosedRangeStart
    [in, out, unique, size_is(*pcbIdSize)] Returns the lower bound of the range of item IDs to exclude.
  • pcbIdSize
    [in, out] Specifies the number of bytes in pbClosedRangeStart. Returns the number of bytes to retrieve the ID when pbClosedRangeStart is too small, or returns the number of bytes written.

Return Value

  • S_OK


  • HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MORE_DATA) when pbClosedRangeStart is too small. In this case, the required number of bytes is returned in pcbIdSize.

See Also


IRangeException Interface