IReplicaKeyMap Interface
Represents a mapping between replica keys and replica IDs.
interface IReplicaKeyMap : IUnknown
IReplicaKeyMap methods | Description |
Gets the replica key that corresponds to the specified replica ID. |
Gets the replica ID that corresponds to the specified replica key. |
Serializes the replica key map data to a byte array. |
Because replica IDs repeatedly occur in the metadata for a replica and are suggested to be 16-byte GUIDs, Sync Framework represents replica IDs by using a map between replica IDs to 4-byte replica keys. Sync Framework then uses replica keys where references to particular replicas are required.
To obtain a new IReplicaKeyMap object, first create an IProviderSyncServices object by passing CLSID_SyncServices and IID_IProviderSyncServices to the CoCreateInstance function. Then, create an IReplicaKeyMap object by calling IProviderSyncServices::CreateReplicaKeyMap.
Header: Synchronization.h