Extended Events for Stretch Database
Applies to:
SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later - Windows only
Stretch Database is deprecated in SQL Server 2022 (16.x) and Azure SQL Database. This feature will be removed in a future version of the Database Engine. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature.
Stretch Database provides a set of extended events for troubleshooting.
For more info, see Extended Events. For info about how to start an extended events session for troubleshooting, see Create an Extended Events Session
List of extended events for Stretch Database
Event name | Event description |
remote_data_archive_db_ddl | Occurs when the database T-SQL ddl for stretching data is processed. |
remote_data_archive_provision_operation | Occurs when a provisioning operation starts or ends. |
remote_data_archive_query_rewrite | Occurs when RelOp_Get is replaced during query rewrite for Stretch. |
remote_data_archive_table_ddl | Occurs when the table T-SQL ddl for stretching data is processed. |
remote_data_archive_telemetry | Occurs whenever an on-premises system transmits a telemetry event to Azure DB. |
remote_data_archive_telemetry_rejected | Occurs whenever an AzureDB Stretch telemetry event is rejected |
repopulate_stretch_schema_task_queue_complete | Reports the completion of repopulating stretch schema task queue. |
repopulate_stretch_schema_task_queue_start | Reports the start of repopulating stretch schema task queue. |
stretch_codegen_errorlog | Reports the output from the code generator |
stretch_codegen_start | Reports the start of stretch code generation |
stretch_create_remote_table_start | Reports the start of remote table creation |
stretch_database_disable_completed | Reports the completion of an ALTER DATABASE SET REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE OFF command |
stretch_database_enable_completed | Reports the completion of an ALTER DATABASE SET REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE ON command |
stretch_database_reauthorize_completed | Reports the completion of a sp_rda_reauthorize_db spec proc |
stretch_index_reconciliation_codegen_completed | Reports the completion of code generation for stretch remote index operation |
stretch_index_update_step_completed | Reports the duration of a stretched index update operation |
stretch_migration_debug_trace | Debug trace of stretch migration actions. |
stretch_migration_dequeue_migration | Event raised when a stretch migration task is dequeued for a database. |
stretch_migration_queue_migration | Queue a packet for starting migration of the database and object. |
stretch_migration_requeue_migration | Event raised when a stretch migration task packet is requeued. |
stretch_migration_start_migration | Start migration of the database and object. |
stretch_migration_start_unmigration | Start unmigration of the database and object. |
stretch_remote_column_execution_completed | Reports the completion of remote execution for the generated code for a stretched column |
stretch_remote_column_reconciliation_codegen_completed | Reports the completion of code generation for stretch remote column reconciliation |
stretch_remote_index_execution_completed | Reports the completion of remote execution for the generated code for a stretched index |
stretch_schema_queue_task | Reports when a packet is about to be queued for processing a schema task for the database and object. |
stretch_schema_script_execution_completed | Reports the completion of stretch script execution during processing stretch schema task. |
stretch_schema_script_execution_skipped | Reports the skipping of stretch script execution during processing stretch schema task. |
stretch_schema_script_execution_start | Reports the start of stretch script execution during processing stretch schema task. |
stretch_schema_task_failed | Reports the failure of a stretch schema function during the stretch schema task. |
stretch_schema_task_skipped | Reports the stretch schema task is skipped during the stretch schema function. |
stretch_schema_task_start | Reports the start of stretch schema function during the stretch schema task. |
stretch_schema_task_succeeded | Reports the successful completion of stretch schema function during the stretch schema task. |
stretch_sp_migration_get_batch_id | Call sp_stretch_get_batch_id |
stretch_sync_metadata_start | Reports the start of metadata checks during the migration task. |
stretch_table_codegen_completed | Reports the completion of code generation for a stretched table |
stretch_table_complete_data_reconciliation | Complete data reconciliation of the database and object. |
stretch_table_data_reconciliation_event | Reports the completion of the data reconciliation of a batch of rows |
stretch_table_data_reconciliation_results_event | Reports an error or completion of a successful data reconciliation of several batches of rows |
stretch_table_hinted_admin_delete_event | Reports the execution of a Stretch delete DML operation that uses an admin hint |
stretch_table_hinted_admin_update_event | Reports the execution of a Stretch update DML operation that uses an admin hint |
stretch_table_provisioning_step_completed | Reports the duration of a stretched table provisioning operation |
stretch_table_query_error | Reports an error thrown during Stretch query rewrite |
stretch_table_remote_creation_completed | Reports the completion of remote execution for the generated code for a stretched table |
stretch_table_row_migration_event | Reports the completion of the migration of a batch of rows |
stretch_table_row_migration_results_event | Reports an error or completion of a successful migration of several batches of rows |
stretch_table_row_unmigration_event | Reports the completion of the unmigration of a batch of rows |
stretch_table_row_unmigration_results_event | Reports an error or completion of a successful unmigration of several batches of rows |
stretch_table_start_data_reconciliation | Start data reconciliation of the database and object. |
stretch_table_unprovision_completed | Reports the completion removal of local resources for a table that was unstretched |
stretch_table_validation_error | Reports the completion of validation for a table when the user enables stretch |
stretch_unprovision_table_start | Reports the start of stretch table unprovisioning |