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Properties (ASSL)

This reference section contains syntax and usage information for each element that acts as an object property in the Analysis Services Scripting Language (ASSL) schema.

Although the ASSL schema contains only XML elements, from a developer's point of view, the elements described in this section correspond to properties that describe objects.

Properties are leaf-level elements in the ASSL schema, and do not have child elements or elements that correspond to properties of their own.

In a few cases, a leaf-level element in the schema that may appear to be a property is classified as an object because the element's type is an object type. For example, the Source of a Dimension object is of type DimensionBinding.

In This Section



Access Element (ASSL)

Indicates the level of access given to a CellPermission element.

Account Element (ImpersonationInfo) (ASSL)

Contains the name of the user account for the ImpersonationInfo data type.

AccountType Element (ASSL)

Contains the name of an account type defined in a Database element.

ActionID Element (ASSL)

Contains the name of an Action element defined on a Cube element which is made available in a Perspective element as a PerspectiveAction element.

Administer Element (ASSL)

Indicates whether the associated permission includes the right to administer a Database element.

AggregateFunction Element (ASSL)

Defines the type of aggregate function used by a Measure element.

AggregationDesignID Element (ASSL)

Identifies the AggregationDesign element associated with the Partition element.

AggregationFunction Element (ASSL)

Contains the aggregation function to use for the account type.

AggregationID Element (ASSL)

Identifies the aggregation definition from the AggregationDesign element used to create the aggregation instance.

AggregationInstanceSource Element (ASSL)

Identifies the source of data for user-defined aggregation instances bound to a Partition element.

AggregationPrefix Element (ASSL)

Defines the common prefix to be used for aggregation names throughout the associated parent element.

AggregationStorage Element (ASSL)

Identifies the storage method for aggregations.

AggregationType Element (ASSL)

Defines the type of aggregation stored by the Partition element.

AggregationUsage Element (ASSL)

Controls how the Aggregation Designer in Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services designs aggregations.

Algorithm Element (ASSL)

Defines the algorithm used by a MiningModel element.

Alias Element (ASSL)

Defines an alias for an Account element.

AllMemberAggregationUsage Element (ASSL)

Controls how the Aggregation Designer in Analysis Services designs aggregations.

AllMemberName Element (ASSL)

Contains the caption in the default language for the All member of a Hierarchy element.

AllowBrowsing Element (ASSL)

Defines whether the members of a Role element have browse permission on a MiningModel element.

AllowDrillThrough Element (ASSL)

Determines whether drillthrough is permitted on the parent element.

AllowDuplicateNames Element (ASSL)

Determines whether duplicate names are allowed in a Hierarchy element.

AllowedSet Element (ASSL)

Contains a set expression that defines the set of allowed permissions for a Role element on an attribute.

Application Element (ASSL)

Identifies the application associated with an Action element.

AssociatedMeasureGroupID Element (ASSL)

Contains the identifier (ID) of the MeasureGroup element associated with a CalculationProperty element or a Kpi element.

AttributeAllMemberName Element (ASSL)

Contains the caption, in the default language, for the All member of the dimension.

AttributeHierarchyDisplayFolder Element (ASSL)

Identifies the folder in which to display the associated attribute hierarchy.

AttributeHierarchyEnabled Element (ASSL)

Determines whether an attribute hierarchy is enabled for the attribute.

AttributeHierarchyOptimizedState Element (ASSL)

Determines the level of optimization applied to the attribute hierarchy.

AttributeHierarchyOrdered Element (ASSL)

Determines whether the associated attribute hierarchy is ordered.

AttributeHierarchyVisible Element (ASSL)

Determines whether the attribute hierarchy is visible to client applications.

AttributeID Element (ASSL)

Contains the ID of the attribute associated with the parent element.

Audit Element (ASSL)

Specifies that a Trace element cannot drop any events, even if this results in degraded performance on the server.

AutoRestart Element (ASSL)

Determines whether a Trace element should automatically restart if the Analysis Services service stops and restarts.

BackColor Element (ASSL)

Describes color-related display characteristics of the parent element.

CacheMode Element (ASSL)

Determines the caching mechanism used for training data retrieved while processing a mining structure.

CalculationReference Element (ASSL)

Contains the name of the named set or calculated cell referenced by the CalculationProperty element.

CalculationType Element (ASSL)

Describes the type of calculation defined in the associated CalculationProperty element.

CalendarEndDate Element (ASSL)

Defines the end date of the calendar period for a TimeBinding element.

CalendarLanguage Element (ASSL)

Defines the calendar language used for the TimeBinding element.

CalendarStartDate Element (ASSL)

Defines the start date of the calendar period for the TimeBinding element.

Caption Element (ASSL)

Contains the caption for the associated parent element.

CaptionIsMdx Element (ASSL)

Defines whether the caption for the Action element is a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expression.

Cardinality Element (ASSL)

Indicates the cardinality of the relationship described by an AttributeRelationship or RegularMeasureGroupDimension.

CaseCubeDimensionID Element (ASSL)

Contains the ID of the cube dimension that relates the data mining dimension to the measure group.

ClassifiedColumnID Element (ASSL)

Contains the ID of a related column that is classified by the ScalarMiningStructureColumn element.

Collation Element (ASSL)

Determines the collation used by the parent element.

ColumnID Element (ColumnBinding) (ASSL)

Contains the ID of the column within the table to which the data item is bound.

ColumnID Element (EventColumn) (ASSL)

Contains the ID of the column of information to be captured for an event as part of a Trace element.

Condition Element (ASSL)

Contains an MDX expression that determines whether the Action parent element applies to the target.

ConnectionString Element (ASSL)

Contains the encrypted connection string for a DataSource element.

ConnectionStringSecurity Element (ASSL)

Specifies whether the user's password is stripped from the data source connection string for security purposes.

Content Element (ASSL)

Describes the content of the column in the MiningStructure element.

CreatedTimestamp Element (ASSL)

Contains the read-only creation timestamp of the parent element.

CubeDimensionID Element (ASSL)

Identifies the CubeDimension element associated with the parent element.

CubeID Element (ASSL)

Identifies the Cube element associated with a Binding element.

CurrentStorageMode Element (ASSL)

Determines the current storage mode for the parent element.

CurrentTimeMember Element (ASSL)

Defines the current member of a time dimension associated with a Kpi element.

DataAggregation Element (ASSL)

Determines whether the instance can aggregate persisted data or cached data for the MeasureGroup.

DatabaseID Element (ASSL)

Identifies the Database element associated with an out-of-line Binding element.

DataSize Element (ASSL)

Contains the size in bytes of a DataItem element.

DataSourceID Element (ASSL)

Identifies the DataSource element associated with the parent element.

DataSourceImpersonationInfo Element (ASSL)

Contains the information used to determine impersonation behavior when connecting to the data source for a Database element.

DataSourceViewID Element (ASSL)

Identifies the DataSourceView element associated with the Binding parent element.

DataType Element (ASSL)

Defines the data type of the associated element.

DbSchemaName Element (ASSL)

Contains the name of the schema used by the parent element in the table identified by the DbTableName element.

DbTableName Element (ASSL)

Contains the name of the table to which the parent element is bound.

Default Element (ASSL)

Determines whether the DrillThroughAction is the default drillthrough action.

DefaultMeasure Element (ASSL)

Contains an MDX language expression that defines the default measure for a Cube or Perspective element.

DefaultMember Element (ASSL)

Contains an MDX expression that identifies the default member of the parent element.

DefaultScript Element (ASSL)

Identifies the default MdxScript element in the MdxScripts collection.

DefaultValue Element (ASSL)

Contains the read-only default value of the associated ServerProperty element.

DeniedSet Element (ASSL)

Contains a set expression that defines the list of permissions that are denied on the associated attribute.

DependsOnDimensionID Element (ASSL)

Contains the ID of another dimension on which the parent dimension depends.

Description Element (ASSL)

Contains the description of the parent element.

DimensionID Element (ASSL)

Contains the ID of the dimension.

DiscretizationBucketCount Element (ASSL)

Contains the number of buckets into which to discretize.

DiscretizationMethod Element (ASSL)

Defines the method to be used for discretization.

DisplayFlag Element (ASSL)

Contains a read-only hint that indicates whether user interface components should display the associated ServerProperty element.

DisplayFolder Element (ASSL)

Specifies the folder in which to list the parent element. Analysis Services applications for developers and administrators may support the use of display folders to categorize multiple elements visually.

Distribution Element (ASSL)

Contains a provider-specific value that describes how scalar values are distributed within a column of a MiningStructure element.

Edition Element (ASSL)

Contains the read-only edition of the instance of Analysis Services represented by the Server element.

Enabled Element (ASSL)

Indicates whether the parent element is enabled.

EndOfData Element (ASSL)

Indicates the end of data received from a PushedDataSource element.

EstimatedCount Element (ASSL)

Contains the estimated number of members for an attribute.

EstimatedPerformanceGain Element (ASSL)

Contains the read-only percentage of estimated performance gain for the partition.

EstimatedRows Element (ASSL)

Contains the estimated number of rows represented by the parent element.

EstimatedSize Element (ASSL)

Contains the read-only estimated size, in bytes, of the parent element.

EventID Element (ASSL)

Uniquely identifies an Event element that is to be captured as part of a Trace element.

Expression Element (ASSL)

Contains an MDX expression that defines the contents of the parent element.

Filter Element (Binding) (ASSL)

Contains an MDX expression that filters the contents of the parent element.

Filter Element (Trace) (ASSL)

Contains an XML document fragment that describes the Trace filter.

FirstDayOfWeek Element (ASSL)

Defines the first day of the week for a TimeBinding element.

FiscalFirstDayOfMonth Element (ASSL)

Defines the first day of the fiscal month for a TimeBinding element.

FiscalFirstMonth Element (ASSL)

Defines the first month of the fiscal period for a TimeBinding element.

FiscalYearName Element (ASSL)

Defines the naming convention for the name of the fiscal year for a TimeBinding element.

FontFlags Element (ASSL)

Describes font-related display characteristics of the CalculationProperty or Measure parent element.

FontName Element (ASSL)

Describes font-related display characteristics of the CalculationProperty or Measure parent element.

FontSize Element (ASSL)

Describes font-related display characteristics of the CalculationProperty or Measure parent element.

ForceRebuildInterval Element (ASSL)

Determines the amount of time, starting when a fresh multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP) image becomes available, after which MOLAP imaging unconditionally starts.

ForeColor Element (ASSL)

Describes color-related display characteristics of the CalculationProperty or Measure parent element.

Format Element (ASSL)

Contains the required format of the DataItem element.

FormatString Element (ASSL)

Describes the display format for a CalculationProperty element or a Measure element.

Goal Element (ASSL)

Identifies the desired goal in a Kpi element.

GranularityAttributeID Element (ASSL)

Contains the ID of the attribute associated with the parent MeasureGroupAttributeBinding data type.

HideMemberIf Element (ASSL)

Indicates whether and when a member in a level should be hidden from client applications.

HierarchyID Element (ASSL)

Contains the ID for a CubeHierarchy, MeasureGroupHierarchy, or PerspectiveHierarchy element.

HierarchyUniqueNameStyle Element (ASSL)

Determines how unique names are generated for hierarchies that are contained within the CubeDimension.

ID Element (ASSL)

Contains the unique ID of the parent element.

IgnoreUnrelatedDimensions Element (ASSL)

Determines whether unrelated dimensions are forced to their top level when members of dimensions that are unrelated to the measure group are included in a query.

ImpersonationInfo Element (ASSL)

Contains the information that is used to determine impersonation behavior when accessing or executing an assembly.

ImpersonationInfoSecurity Element (ASSL)

Contains a read-only value that indicates if any changes were made to the security credentials that are supplied in the ImpersonationInfo data type.

ImpersonationMode Element (ASSL)

Contains a value that indicates the method of impersonation for elements that are derived from the ImpersonationInfo data type.

InstanceSelection Element (ASSL)

Provides a hint to client applications to suggest how a list of items should be displayed, based on the expected number of items in the list.

IntermediateCubeDimensionID Element (ASSL)

Contains the ID of the dimension that relates a reference dimension to a measure group.

IntermediateGranularityAttributeID Element (ASSL)

Contains the ID of the granularity attribute in the intermediate cube dimension that is used to relate a reference dimension to an intermediate dimension.

InvalidXmlCharacters Element (ASSL)

Specifies the handling method for XML characters in the source data that are not valid.

Invocation Element (ASSL)

Specifies how an Action should be invoked.

IsAggregatable Element (ASSL)

Specifies whether the values of the DimensionAttribute element can be aggregated.

IsKey Element (ASSL)

Indicates whether the column provides the key for the case in a MiningStructure element.

Isolation Element (ASSL)

Indicates the isolation level for an element that is derived from the DataSource data type.

KeyDuplicate Element (ASSL)

Determines how Analysis Services handles a duplicate key error if it encounters one during processing.

KeyErrorAction Element (ASSL)

Specifies the action for Analysis Services to take when an error occurs on a key.

KeyErrorLimit Element (ASSL)

Contains the number of acceptable errors during processing.

KeyErrorLimitAction Element (ASSL)

Specifies the action that Analysis Services takes when the key error count that is specified in the KeyErrorLimit element is reached.

KeyErrorLogFile Element (ASSL)

Contains the file name for logging processing errors.

KeyNotFound Element (ASSL)

Specifies how Analysis Services responds when it encounters a referential integrity error.

KeyUniquenessGuarantee Element (ASSL)

Indicates whether the relationship between the attribute key and its name, and the relationship to related attributes, is guaranteed to be valid.

KpiID Element (ASSL)

Contains an ID that associates a Kpi element with a Perspective element.

Language Element (ASSL)

Contains the language identifier of the parent element.

LastProcessed Element (ASSL)

Contains the read-only timestamp that indicates when the database that contains the parent element was last processed.

LastSchemaUpdate Element (ASSL)

Contains the read-only metadata update timestamp of the parent element.

LastUpdate Element (ASSL)

Contains a read-only timestamp that indicates the last time that the associated Database or any of the major objects that the database contains were altered.

Latency Element (ASSL)

Defines the "grace period" between the earliest notification and the moment when the MOLAP images are destroyed.

LogFileAppend Element (ASSL)

Determines whether the Trace element appends its logging output to the existing log file, or overwrites it.

LogFileName Element (ASSL)

Contains the file name of the log file for the Trace element.

LogFileRollover Element (ASSL)

Specifies whether logging of Trace output should roll over to a new file or should stop when the maximum log file size that is specified in LogFileSize is reached.

LogFileSize Element (ASSL)

Specifies the maximum log file size, in megabytes.

ManagedProvider Element (ASSL)

Contains the name of the managed provider that is used by an element that is derived from the DataSource data type.

ManufacturingExtraMonthQuarter Element (ASSL)

Defines the month of the manufacturing period to which an extra month is assigned for a TimeBinding element.

ManufacturingFirstMonth Element (ASSL)

Defines the first manufacturing month for a TimeBinding element.

ManufacturingFirstWeekOfMonth Element (ASSL)

Defines the first week of the manufacturing month for a TimeBinding element.

MasterDatasourceID Element (ASSL)

Contains the master data source ID for a Database element.

Materialization Element (ASSL)

Indicates the type of relationship between the measure group and the reference dimension.

MaxActiveConnections Element (ASSL)

Contains the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed by an element that is derived from the DataSource data type.

MdxMissingMemberMode Element (ASSL)

Determines how missing members are handled for MDX statements.

MeasureExpression Element (ASSL)

Contains the MDX expression that defines a measure.

MeasureGroupID Element (ASSL)

Associates a MeasureGroup with the parent element, binding, or out-of-line binding.

MeasureID Element (ASSL)

Associates a Measure element with the parent element.

MeasureQualificaton Element (ASSL)

Determines whether a prefix is applied to measures in the MeasureGroup.

MemberNamesUnique Element (ASSL)

Determines whether member names under the parent element must be unique.

MemberUniqueNameStyle Element (ASSL)

Determines how unique names are generated for members of hierarchies contained within the CubeDimension element.

MembersWithData Element (ASSL)

Determines whether to display data members for non-leaf members in the parent attribute.

MembersWithDataCaption Element (ASSL)

Provides a template string that is used to create captions for system-generated data members.

MimeType Element (ASSL)

Contains the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type, if applicable, of the data represented by the parent DataItem element.

MiningModelID Element (ASSL)

Associates a mining model with a data mining dimension.

Name Element (ASSL)

Contains the name of the parent element.

NamingTemplate Element (ASSL)

Defines how levels are named in a parent-child hierarchy constructed from the DimensionAttribute parent element.

NonEmptyBehavior Element (ASSL)

Determines the non-empty behavior associated with the parent of the CalculationProperty element.

NotificationTechnique Element (ASSL)

Specifies whether Microsoft SQL Server or an external client application processes the notifications.

NullKeyConvertedToUnknown Element (ASSL)

Specifies the action to be taken when a null conversion error is encountered.

NullKeyNotAllowed Element (ASSL)

Determines how the Analysis Services processing engine handles a null key error encountered during processing.

NullProcessing Element (ASSL)

Defines how null values are processed.

OnlineMode Element (ASSL)

Specifies whether the database is brought back online immediately when the rebuilding of the cache is initiated, or only when the rebuilding of the cache is complete.

OptimizedState Element (ASSL)

Determines the level of optimization that is applied to the hierarchy.

Optionality Element (ASSL)

Indicates the optionality of the members for an AttributeRelationship element.

OrderBy Element (ASSL)

Describes how to order the members contained in the attribute.

OrderByAttributeID Element (ASSL)

Identifies another attribute by which to order the members of the Dimension attribute.

Ordinal Element (ASSL)

Indicates the ordinal number to bind to in collections such as keys and translations.

OverrideBehavior Element (ASSL)

Indicates the override behavior of the relationship described by an AttributeRelationship element.

PartitionID Element (ASSL)

Associates a Partition element with a parent element, binding, or out-of-line binding.

Password Element (ASSL)

Contains the password of the user account for the ImpersonationInfo element.

Path Element (ASSL)

Contains the path, as provided by an instance of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services, of a report used by the ReportAction element.

PendingValue Element (ASSL)

Contains the read-only pending value of the associated ServerProperty element.

PermissionSet Element (ASSL)

Identifies the permission set associated with a Microsoft .NET Framework assembly.

Persistence Element (ASSL)

Determines which parts of the bound source data are dynamic and are checked for updates using the frequency specified by the RefreshPolicy element.

Process Element (ASSL)

Determines whether a user can process the owner of the parent element.

ProcessingMode Element (ASSL)

Indicates whether the instance should index and aggregate during or after processing.

ProcessingPriority Element (ASSL)

Determines the processing priority of the parent object during background operations, for example lazy aggregation, indexing, or clustering.

ProcessingQuery Element (ASSL)

Contains the parameterized text of the query to execute for notification of incremental processing status.

ProductName Element (ASSL)

Contains the read-only product name of the instance of Analysis Services that is associated with a Server element.

Query Element (ASSL)

Contains the text of the query to execute for the notification.

QueryDefinition Element (ASSL)

Contains an opaque expression for a query associated with a DataSource element in a QueryBinding element.

Read Element (ASSL)

Determines whether data or metadata can be read for a given CubeDimensionPermission or Permission element.

ReadDefinition Element (ASSL)

Determines whether members can read the definition of the database or the definition of objects in the database.

ReadSourceData Element (ASSL)

Determines how unique names are generated for hierarchies that are contained within the CubePermission.

RefreshInterval Element (ASSL)

Specifies the interval at which the bound data associated with the parent element is refreshed.

RefreshPolicy Element (ASSL)

Determines how often the dynamic part of the dimension or measure group (as specified by the Persistence element) is checked for changes.

RelationshipType Element (ASSL)

Indicates whether member relationships for an AttributeRelationship can be changed.

RemoteDatasourceID Element (ASSL)

Specifies the ID of the OLAP data source that points to the instance of Analysis Services that stores the remote partition.

ReportingFirstMonth Element (ASSL)

Defines the first reporting month for the TimeBinding element.

ReportingFirstWeekOfMonth Element (ASSL)

Defines the first week of the reporting month for the TimeBinding element.

ReportingWeekToMonthPattern Element (ASSL)

Defines the reporting week-to-month pattern for the TimeBinding element.

ReportServer Element (ASSL)

Contains the name of the Reporting Services instance that is used by the ReportAction.

RequiresRestart Element (ASSL)

Contains a read-only value associated with a ServerProperty element that determines whether changing the value of the server property requires that the instance be restarted for the change to take effect.

RoleID Element (ASSL)

Identifies the role for which permissions are being defined.

Root Element (ASSL)

Contains the data (rowset) for a data source.

RootMemberIf Element (ASSL)

Determines how the root member or members of a parent attribute are identified.

Schema Element (ASSL)

Contains the schema of the data source view.

ScriptCacheProcessingMode Element (ASSL)

Indicates whether the server should build the script cache during processing or after processing.

SilenceInterval Element (ASSL)

Defines the minimum amount of time the instance of Analysis Services pauses before starting the MOLAP imaging process.

SilenceOverrideInterval Element (ASSL)

Defines the amount of time that must elapse after receiving initial notification before MOLAP imaging begins unconditionally.

Slice Element (ASSL)

Contains an MDX expression defining the slice contained in a partition.

SolveOrder Element (ASSL)

Indicates the solve order in which the CalculationProperty element is applied to a calculated member or calculated cell definition.

Source Element (Binding) (ASSL)

Identifies the source of data to which the parent element is bound.

Source Element (ComAssembly) (ASSL)

Contains the file name or programmatic identifier (ProgID) for a Component Object Model (COM) component.

Source Element (Measure) (ASSL)

Contains the details of the source containing the value of the Measure element.

SourceAttributeID Element (ASSL)

Contains the ID of the source attribute on which the Level element is based.

SourceColumnID Element (ASSL)

Contains the ID of the source mining structure column in the ancestor MiningStructure element.

State Element (ASSL)

Contains a read-only value that describes the current processing state of the parent element.

Status Element (ASSL)

Contains an MDX expression that returns a status indicator for a Kpi element.

StatusGraphic Element (ASSL)

Contains the recommended graphical representation of the status of the Kpi element.

StopTime Element (ASSL)

Specifies the date and time at which a Trace element should stop.

StorageLocation Element (ASSL)

Contains the file system storage location for the contents of the parent element.

StorageMode Element (ASSL)

Determines the storage mode for the parent element.

TableID Element (ASSL)

Contains the ID of the table (from the DataSourceView element) associated with the parent element.

Target Element (ASSL)

Identifies the target of the Action element.

TargetType Element (ASSL)

Identifies the item type of the item identified in the Target element.

Text Element (ASSL)

Contains the text of a Command element.

Timeout Element (ASSL)

Specifies the time, in seconds, after which an attempt to retrieve data reports a timeout.

Trend Element (ASSL)

Contains an MDX expression that returns a trend indicator for a Kpi element.

TrendGraphic Element (ASSL)

Contains the recommended graphical representation of the trend of the Kpi element.

Trimming Element (ASSL)

Specifies how data from the data source is trimmed.

Type Element (Action) (ASSL)

Contains the type of the Action element.

Type Element (Binding) (ASSL)

Contains the type of the attribute binding.

Type Element (ClrAssemblyFile) (ASSL)

Specifies the file type of one of the files that belong to a .NET Framework assembly.

Type Element (Dimension) (ASSL)

Provides information about the contents of the dimension.

Type Element (DimensionAttribute) (ASSL)

Contains the type of the attribute.

Type Element (MeasureGroup) (ASSL)

Specifies the type of the MeasureGroup.

Type Element (MeasureGroupAttribute) (ASSL)

Contains the type of a MeasureGroupAttribute element.

Type Element (MiningStructureColumn) (ASSL)

Contains the type of the MiningStructureColumn element.

Type Element (Partition) (ASSL)

Contains the type of the Partition element.

Type Element (PerspectiveCalculation) (ASSL)

Indicates the type of the PerspectiveCalculation element.

UnknownMember Element (ASSL)

Indicates whether the unknown member is visible.

UnknownMemberName Element (ASSL)

Contains the caption, in the default language of the dimension, for the unknown member of the dimension.

Usage Element (DimensionAttribute) (ASSL)

Describes how an attribute is used.

Usage Element (MiningModelColumn) (ASSL)

Describes how the associated column in the parent MiningStructure is used.

Value Element (ASSL)

Contains the value of the parent element.

Version Element (ASSL)

Contains the read-only version number of the instance of Analysis Services represented by the Server element.

Visibility Element (ASSL)

Defines the visibility of an Annotation element.

Visible Element (ASSL)

Determines the visibility of the parent element.

VisualTotals Element (ASSL)

Contains an MDX expression that determines whether visual totals are displayed for members of this attribute.

Write Element (ASSL)

Determines whether data or metadata can be written for a given CubeDimensionPermission or Permission element.

WriteEnabled Element (ASSL)

Indicates whether dimension writebacks are available (subject to security permissions).

See Also


Analysis Services Scripting Language XML Element Hierarchy (ASSL)