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Use Value Relations in a Composite Domain

This topic describes how to view value combinations found for the composite domain during the knowledge discovery process in Data Quality Services (DQS). This page shows the number of occurrences of the value combinations. Value management is not supported for composite domains, so you cannot perform any operations on these values.

In This Topic

  • Before you begin:



  • View Value Relations

  • Follow Up: After Viewing Value Relations

Before You Begin


To view value relations, you must have created and opened a composite domain.



You must have the dqs_kb_editor or the dqs_administrator role on the DQS_MAIN database to view value relations in a composite domain.

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View Value Relations

  1. Start Data Quality Client. For information about doing so, see Run the Data Quality Client Application.

  2. In the Data Quality Client home screen, open or create a knowledge base. Select Domain Management as the activity, and then click Open or Create. For more information, see Create a Knowledge Base or Open a Knowledge Base.

  3. From the Domain list on the Domain Management page, select the composite domain that you want to create a domain rule for, or create a new composite domain. If you have to create a new domain, see Create a Composite Domain.

  4. Click the Value Relations tab.

  5. View the frequencies displayed for each value combination.


    The Value table shows each combination of values that exists in the composite domain. Each value is shown in the single domain that it applies to. The default sorting of the value relations table is by frequency, but you can click on another column to sort by that column. Only those values with a frequency greater than or equal to 20 are displayed.

  6. You cannot change any of the values in the table. If you have performed other operations, click Finish to complete the domain management activity. Otherwise, click Cancel.

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Follow Up: After Viewing Value Relations

After you view value relations, you can perform other domain management tasks on the domain, you can perform knowledge discovery to add knowledge to the domain, or you can add a matching policy to the domain. For more information, see Perform Knowledge Discovery, Managing a Domain, or Create a Matching Policy.

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