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Variable Members

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This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

For more information, see VariableClass.

The Variable type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property DataType Infrastructure. For more information, see Variable. (Inherited from IDTSVariable100.)
Public property EvaluateAsExpression Infrastructure. For more information, see Variable. (Inherited from IDTSVariable100.)
Public property IncludeInDebugDump Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the variable value is included in the debug dump files. (Inherited from IDTSVariable100.)
Public property Namespace Infrastructure. For more information, see Variable. (Inherited from IDTSVariable100.)
Public property QualifiedName Infrastructure. For more information, see Variable. (Inherited from IDTSVariable100.)
Public property RaiseChangedEvent Infrastructure. For more information, see Variable. (Inherited from IDTSVariable100.)
Public property ReadOnly Infrastructure. For more information, see Variable. (Inherited from IDTSVariable100.)
Public property SystemVariable Infrastructure. For more information, see Variable. (Inherited from IDTSVariable100.)
Public property Value Infrastructure. For more information, see Variable. (Inherited from IDTSVariable100.)
