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Application Members

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This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

For more information, see ApplicationClass.

The Application type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method CreateFolderOnDtsServer(String, String, String) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method CreateFolderOnSQLServer(String, String, String, String, String) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method DataTypeInfoFromDataType(DataType) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method ExistsOnDtsServer(String, String) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method ExistsOnSQLServer(String, String, String, String) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method FolderExistsOnDtsServer(String, String) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method FolderExistsOnSQLServer(String, String, String, String) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method FolderFromPath(String, String, String, String) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method GetDtsServerPackageInfos(String, String) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method GetDtsServerRoles(String, String) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method GetPackageInfos(String, String, String, String) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method GetPackageInfos2(String, Object) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method GetPackageRoles(String, String, String%, String%) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method GetRunningPackages(String) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method GetServerInfo(String, String%) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method GetServerVersionEx(String, UInt32%, DTSProductLevel%, String%, String%) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method LoadFromDtsServer(String, String, Boolean, IDTSEvents100) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method LoadFromSQLServer(String, String, String, String, Boolean, IDTSEvents100) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method LoadFromSQLServer2(String, Object, Boolean, IDTSEvents100) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method LoadPackage(String, Boolean, IDTSEvents100) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method RemoveFolderFromDtsServer(String, String) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method RemoveFolderFromSQLServer(String, String, String, String) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method RemoveFromDtsServer(String, String) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method RemoveFromSQLServer(String, String, String, String) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method RenameFolderOnDtsServer(String, String, String, String) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method RenameFolderOnSQLServer(String, String, String, String, String, String) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method SavePackage(String, IDTSPackage100, IDTSEvents100) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method SaveToDtsServer(IDTSPackage100, IDTSEvents100, String, String) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method SaveToSQLServer(IDTSPackage100, IDTSEvents100, String, String, String) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method SaveToSQLServerAs(IDTSPackage100, IDTSEvents100, String, String, String, String) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method SaveToXML(String, IDTSPersist100, IDTSEvents100) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public method SetPackageRoles(String, String, String, String) Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)



  Name Description
Public property CheckSignatureOnLoad Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public property ComponentStorePath Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public property ConnectionInfos Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public property DataTypeInfos Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public property DBProviderInfos Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public property ForEachEnumeratorInfos Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public property LogProviderInfos Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public property PackagePassword Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public property PackageUpgradeOptions Infrastructure. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public property PipelineComponentInfos Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public property TaskInfos Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public property UpdateObjects Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
Public property UpdatePackage Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. (Inherited from IDTSApplication100.)
