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IDTSRunningPackage100 Members

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This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

For more information, see RunningPackage.

The IDTSRunningPackage100 type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Stop() Infrastructure. For more information, see RunningPackage.



  Name Description
Public property ExecutionDuration Infrastructure. For more information, see RunningPackage.
Public property ExecutionStartTime Infrastructure. For more information, see RunningPackage.
Public property InstanceID Infrastructure. For more information, see RunningPackage.
Public property PackageDescription Infrastructure. For more information, see RunningPackage.
Public property PackageID Infrastructure. For more information, see RunningPackage.
Public property PackageName Infrastructure. For more information, see RunningPackage.
Public property UserName Infrastructure. For more information, see RunningPackage.
