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Server.GetPropertyNames Method

Returns the names of the initialized properties for the specified object type

Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (in Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll)


Public Function GetPropertyNames ( _
    typeObject As Type _
) As StringCollection
Dim instance As Server
Dim typeObject As Type
Dim returnValue As StringCollection

returnValue = instance.GetPropertyNames(typeObject)
public StringCollection GetPropertyNames(
    Type typeObject
StringCollection^ GetPropertyNames(
    Type^ typeObject
member GetPropertyNames : 
        typeObject:Type -> StringCollection 
public function GetPropertyNames(
    typeObject : Type
) : StringCollection


  • typeObject
    Type: System.Type
    A Type system object that specifies the type of object.

Return Value

Type: System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection
A StringCollection system object that contains a list property names for the specified object.


SMO optimization allows only the minimum properties to be loaded when an object is created. You can use this method to see which properties are currently initialized for an object at any point in your application.


Visual Basic

'Connect to the local, default instance of SQL Server.
Dim srv As Server
srv = New Server
'Display all the loaded properties for the Server type.
Dim s As String
Console.WriteLine("===Before State property is accessed.===")
For Each s In srv.GetPropertyNames(srv.GetType)
'Access the State property of the Server object.
'Again, display the loaded properties for the Server type.
Console.WriteLine("===After State property is accessed.===")
    For Each s In srv.GetPropertyNames(srv.GetType)


$srv = new-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server("(local)")
Write-Host "===Before State property is accessed.==="
foreach ($s in $srv.GetPropertyNames($srv.GetType()))
   Write-Host $s
Write-Host $srv.State
Write-Host "===After State property is accessed.==="
Foreach ($s in $srv.GetPropertyNames($srv.GetType()))
   Write-Host $s