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DacDomain.ISfcDomain.GetTypeMetadata Method

Note: This API is now obsolete. The non-obsolete alternative is [false].

Gets the metadata for the specified SFC type.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dac
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dac (in Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dac.dll)


<ObsoleteAttribute> _
Private Function GetTypeMetadata ( _
    typeName As String _
) As SfcTypeMetadata Implements ISfcDomain.GetTypeMetadata
Dim instance As DacDomain
Dim typeName As String
Dim returnValue As SfcTypeMetadata

returnValue = CType(instance, ISfcDomain).GetTypeMetadata(typeName)
SfcTypeMetadata ISfcDomain.GetTypeMetadata(
    string typeName
virtual SfcTypeMetadata^ GetTypeMetadata(
    String^ typeName
) sealed = ISfcDomain::GetTypeMetadata
private abstract GetTypeMetadata : 
        typeName:string -> SfcTypeMetadata 
private override GetTypeMetadata : 
        typeName:string -> SfcTypeMetadata 
JScript supports the use of explicit interface implementations, but not the declarations of new ones.


Return Value

Type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.SfcTypeMetadata
Returns a SfcTypeMetadata object that contains the metadata for the specified SFC type.

