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Task 4 (Optional): Combining, Matching, and Publishing New Set of Data

Over time, you will want to add more data to the MDS repository. Before adding data, it can be useful to compare the new data to the data that's already managed in MDS, to ensure that you are not adding duplicate or inaccurate data. In the Master Data Services Add-in for Excel, you can combine data from two worksheets and the compare the data to identify and remove duplicates before publishing the data to MDS. The matching feature of MDS Excel Add-in uses the DQS matching functionality to identify matches in the data. In this task, you will combine data from a two worksheets into one and then perform the matching activity to identify and remove duplicates before publishing to MDS. See Data Quality Matching in the MDS Add-in for Excel and Combine Data topics for more details.

  1. Launch new instance of Excel. Click Start, point to Run, type Excel, and click OK.

  2. Switch to the Master Data tab by clicking Master Data on the menu bar.

  3. Click Connect on the ribbon in the Connect and Load group to connect to the MDS server. You have configured this connection earlier in this lesson.

    Excel - Show Explorer Button on Master Data Tabl

  4. You should see the Master Data Explorer pane to the right. If you do not see the Master Data Explorer, click Show Explorer button on the ribbon.

  5. In the Master Data Explorer Window, select Suppliers in the drop-down list for the Model. You should see that the model has one entity: Supplier.

    Excel - Master Data Explorer Window

  6. Double-click Supplier in the entity list to load the entity members into the Excel worksheet.

  7. Click Sheet2 at the bottom to switch to the Sheet2 tab. If you do not see Sheet2, add a new worksheet.

  8. Open Suppliers.xls file (the original input file that is included in the tutorial files) and copy all (three) rows from the CombineAndCleanse worksheet to Sheet2.

  9. Switch back to the Supplier sheet in the Book 1 - Microsoft Excel (not the Cleansed and Matched Supplier List Excel) that is connected to MDS.

  10. Click Master Data on the menu bar.

  11. Click Combine Data on the ribbon. You will see the Combine Data dialog box.

  12. In the Combine Data dialog box, click the button next to Range to combine with MDS data text box as shown in the following image.

    Excel - Combine Data Dialog Box

  13. You should see the shrunken dialog box now. Now, click Sheet2 to switch to the Sheet2 tab that has the new supplier data with 4 rows (including one header row).

  14. In the Sheet2, select all rows including the header row (even if they seem to be already selected). You should see the Range to combine with MDS data is automatically updated.

    Excel - Combine Data Dialog Box - Minimized

  15. Switch back to the Suppliers tab without closing the Combine Data dialog box.

  16. Click the button next to the text box. You should see that the dialog box is expanded now. You should see all the mappings between columns of the Supplier MDS entity to Excel columns are automatically populated.

    Excel - Combine Data Dialog Box Filled with Data

  17. Ensure that Code entity column is mapped to the SupplierID column in the worksheet and Zip Code entity column is mapped to the Zip Code column in the worksheet.

  18. On the Combine Data dialog box, click Combine.

  19. Confirm that three data rows are added to the bottom of the worksheet and they should be color coded.

    Excel - New Elements after Combining

  20. Click Math Data on the ribbon to identify duplicates. This feature uses the matching functionality of DQS.

  21. In the Match Data dialog box, select Suppliers for DQS Knowledge Base.

    Excel - Match Data Dialog Box

  22. Map worksheet columns to domains as shown in the following table.

    Worksheet Column Domain
    Code (you uploaded Supplier ID as the Code for the Supplier entity in MDS) Supplier ID
    Name (you uploaded Supplier Name as the Name for the Supplier entity to MDS) Supplier Name
    ContactEmailAddress ContactEmail
  23. Select Prerequisite for the Code column mapping.

  24. Enter 70% as the weight for Supplier Name and 30% as the weight for Contact Email as shown in the image.

  25. Click OK.

  26. The matching process should identify one duplicate for the supplier with Code: S1.

    Excel - Matching Results

  27. Select the duplicate row (orange), right-click, and click Delete to delete the row.

  28. Delete the CLUSTER_ID column since you don't need it anymore.

  29. Click Publish to publish the other two new records with Codes S66 and S57 to MDS.

  30. In the Publish and Annotate dialog box, add an annotation, and click Publish.

  31. Switch to the Master Data Manager Web application.

  32. On the home page, ensure that Suppliers is selected for the Model, and click Explorer. If you already have the Explorer open, refresh the internet browser.

  33. Sort the list by Code and look for records with S57 and S66 as codes. You can also use the Filter button on the toolbar to search for a specific record in the list.

  34. Now, close Book1 - Microsoft Excel window without saving the file.

Next Step

Task 5: Creating a Domain-Based Attribute from Excel