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Task 2: Uploading Supplier Data to MDS using MDS Add-in for Excel

In this task, you publish the cleansed and supplier data to MDS using the MDS Add-in for Excel. You create an entity named Supplier in the Suppliers model you created in the previous lesson. The entity will have an attribute for each column in the Excel file. The Code and Name attributes of the Supplier entity correspond to the SupplierID and Supplier Name columns in Excel.

  1. Open Cleansed and Matched Suppliers.xls in Excel.

  2. Press CTRL+A to select entire data. It is important that you select the entire data in the spreadsheet.

  3. Click Master Data on the menu bar.

  4. Click Create Entity button on the ribbon.

    Excel - Master Data Tab - Create Entity Button

  5. In Manage Connections dialog box, if you do not see the connection to local MDS server under Existing connections, do the following:

    1. Select Create a new connection, and click New button.

    2. In the Add New Connection dialog box, type Local MDS Server for Description and http://localhost/MDS for MDS server address, and click OK to close the dialog box.

  6. In Manage Connections dialog box, select Local MDS Server (https://localhost/MDS), click Test to test the connection. Click OK on the message box.

  7. Click Connect to connect to the MDS server.

  8. In the Create Entity dialog box, select Suppliers for the Model.

  9. Ensure that VERSION_1 is selected for Version.

  10. Enter Supplier for New entity name.

  11. Select SupplierID for the column that contains a unique identifier field (you can also generate a code automatically). You are essentially mapping the SupplierID column in Excel to the Code attribute of Supplier entity.

  12. Select Supplier Name for the column that contains names field. You are essentially mapping the Supplier Name column in Excel to the Name attribute of the Supplier entity. The Code and Name attributes are mandatory attributes for an entity in MDS.

    Create Entity Dialog Box

  13. Click OK to create the entity on MDS, publish the master data to the entity, and close Create Entity dialog box.

  14. Now, you should see a new sheet titled Supplier, which is the name of the entity, added to your Excel spreadsheet and at the top of the worksheet you should see that the worksheet is connected to the MDS server. Notice that the original worksheet (titled Sheet1) still exists.

    Excel - Supplier and Sheet1 Tabs

    Excel - Showing MDS Connection Details

  15. Keep Excel open.

Next Task

Task 3: Verifying the Data in Master Data Manager