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Task 1 (Prerequisite): Removing Supplier Data in MDS

In this task, you remove the supplier data stored in MDS. You uploaded the data manually using MDS Excel Add-in in the previous lesson. The SSIS package you create in this lesson will automatically upload the data to MDS for you. Therefore, before testing the SSIS package, you need to remove the supplier data from MDS, remove the derived hierarchy, remove supplier and state entities, and create the supplier entity with no data.

  1. Launch Master Data Manager by navigating to https://localhost/MDS or the website and application you specified when configuring MDS. If you kept the Master Data Manager open, click SQL Server 2012 Master Data Services at the top to switch to the home page.

  2. Click System Administration in the Administrative Tasks section.

  3. Hover the mouse over Manage on the menu and click Derived Hierarchies. You need to delete the derived hierarchy SuppliersInState before deleting the entities in the Suppliers model.

  4. Select SuppliersInState from the Derived Hierarchy list and click X (Delete) button on the toolbar.

  5. Click OK to confirm deletion.

  6. Hover the mouse over Manage on the menu and click Entities.

  7. Click Supplier and click Delete (X) button on toolbar to delete the entity. Click OK on message boxes.

  8. Repeat the previous step to delete State entity.

  9. Don't close Master Data Manager.

  10. Switch to the Excel window that has Cleansed and Matched Suppliers.xls file open. Switch to the Sheet1 tab at the bottom.

  11. Select only the first row with headers. Don't select any other row. You want to create the entities based on the Excel columns but don't want to upload any data. Therefore you select only the first row with the headers.

  12. Click Master Data on the menu bar.

  13. Click Create Entity from the ribbon.

  14. In Manage Connections dialog box, if you do not see the connection to local MDS server under Existing connections, do the following:

    1. Select Create a new connection, and click New button.

    2. In the Add New Connection dialog box, type Local MDS Server for Description and http://localhost/MDS for MDS server address, and click OK to close the dialog box.

  15. In Manage Connections dialog box, select Local MDS Server (https://localhost/MDS), click Test to test the connection. Click OK on the message box.

  16. Click Connect to make a connection to the MDS server.

  17. In the Create Entity dialog box, do the following:

    1. Confirm that Range is set to $1:$1.

    2. Select Suppliers for Model.

    3. Select VERSION_1 for Version.

    4. Type Supplier for New entity name.

    5. Select SupplierID for Code.

    6. Select Supplier Name for Name.

    7. Click OK to create the entity and close the dialog box.

  18. Close Excel and do not save the file.

  19. In Master Data Manager, refresh the internet browser and confirm that Supplier entity is displayed in the list.

  20. Switch to the home page by clicking SQL Server 2012 Master Data Services at the top.

  21. Confirm that Suppliers model is selected for Model and VERSION_1 is selected for Version.

  22. Click Explorer. Notice that the Supplier entity with all the attributes is created with no values.

Next Step

Task 2 (Optional): Creating a MDS Subscription View using Master Data Manager