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Increase or Disable Blocked Process Threshold

This rules checks that the blocked process threshold option is set to 0 (disabled) or set to a value higher than or equal to 5 (seconds). Setting the blocked process threshold option to a value from 1 to 4 can cause the deadlock monitor to run constantly. Values 1 to 4 should only be used for troubleshooting, and never long term or in a production environment without the assistance of Microsoft Customer Service and Support.

Best Practices Recommendations

To resolve this problem, set the blocked process threshold option to a value of 5 (seconds) or higher, or disable blocked process threshold by setting the value to 0. To set the blocked process threshold to a value of 5 seconds, execute the following statement:

sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1 ;  
sp_configure 'blocked process threshold', 5 ;  

For More Information

blocked process threshold Server Configuration Option

See Also

Monitor and Enforce Best Practices by Using Policy-Based Management