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Column Statistics Profile Request Options (Data Profiling Task)

Use the Request Properties pane of the Profile Requests page to set the options for the Column Statistics Profile Request selected in the requests pane. A Column Statistics profile reports statistics such as minimum, maximum, average, and standard deviation for numeric columns, and minimum and maximum for datetime columns. This profile can help you identify problems in your data such as invalid dates. For example, you profile a column of historical dates and discover a maximum date that is in the future.


The options described in this topic appear on the Profile Requests page of the Data Profiling Task Editor. For more information about this page of the editor, see Data Profiling Task Editor (Profile Requests Page).

For more information about how to use the Data Profiling Task, see Setup of the Data Profiling Task. For more information about how to use the Data Profile Viewer to analyze the output of the Data Profiling Task, see Data Profile Viewer.

Request Properties Options

For a Column Statistics Profile Request, the Request Properties pane displays the following groups of options:

  • Data, which includes the TableOrView and Column options

  • General

Data Options

Select the existing ADO.NET connection manager that uses the .NET Data Provider for SQL Server (SqlClient) to connect to the SQL Server database that contains the table or view to be profiled.

Select the existing table or view that contains the column to be profiled.

For more information, see the section, "TableorView Options," in this topic.

Select the existing column to be profiled. Select (*) to profile all columns.

For more information, see the section, "Column Options," in this topic.

TableOrView Options

Specifies the schema to which the selected table belongs. This option is read-only.

Displays the name of the selected table. This option is read-only.

Column Options

Specifies whether the (*) wildcard has been selected. This option is set to True if you have selected (*) to profile all columns. It is False if you have selected an individual column to be profiled. This option is read-only.

Displays the name of the selected column. This option is blank if you have selected (*) to profile all columns. This option is read-only.

This option does not apply to the Column Statistics Profile.

General Options

Type a descriptive name to identify this profile request. Typically, you do not have to change the autogenerated value.

See Also

Data Profiling Task Editor (General Page)
Single Table Quick Profile Form (Data Profiling Task)