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Secondary database is not joined


Policy Name Availability Database Join State
Issue Secondary database is not joined.
Category Warning
Facet Availability database


This policy checks the join state of the secondary database (also known as a "secondary database replica"). The policy is in an unhealthy state when the dataset replica is not joined. The policy is otherwise in a healthy state.


For this release of SQL Server 2014, information about possible causes and solutions is located at Secondary database is not joined on the TechNet Wiki.

Possible Causes

This secondary database is not joined to the availability group. The configuration of this secondary database is incomplete.

Possible Solution

Use Transact-SQL, PowerShell, or SQL Server Management Studio to join the secondary replica to the availability group. For more information about joining secondary replicas to availability groups, see Joining a Secondary Replica to an Availability Group (SQL Server).

See Also

Overview of AlwaysOn Availability Groups (SQL Server)
Use the AlwaysOn Dashboard (SQL Server Management Studio)