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Toolbar (Translations Tab, Dimension Designer) (Analysis Services - Multidimensional Data)

Use the toolbar buttons to perform common operations in the Translations view of Dimension Designer.


Add Business Intelligence
Displays the Business Intelligence Wizard to add business intelligence features.

Displays the Process dialog box to process the object.

New translation
Click to display the Select Language dialog box and create a new translation. The translation will appear as a new column within the Translation Details grid.

Delete translation
Click to delete the selected translation.


The option is enabled only if a cell for the translation to be deleted must be selected in the Translation Details grid.

New caption column
Click to display the Attribute Data Translation dialog box and define a new caption column when editing an attribute in the Translation Details grid. To enable this option, a cell in a translation column for an attribute must be selected in the Translation Details grid.


The option is enabled only if a cell for the translation column of an attribute must be selected in the Translation Details grid.

Edit caption column
Click to display the Attribute Data Translation dialog box and edit an existing caption column when editing an attribute in the Translation Details grid.


The option is enabled only if a cell in a translation column that contains a caption column for an attribute must be selected in the Translation Details grid.

Delete caption column
Click to delete the caption column for the selected attribute in the Translation Details grid.


The option is enabled only if a cell in a translation column that contains a caption column for an attribute must be selected in the Translation Details grid.

Show all attributes
Click to toggle the display of all attributes defined for the selected dimension, including attributes for which attribute hierarchies are disabled.

See Also

Translations (Dimension Designer) (Analysis Services - Multidimensional Data)
Translation Details (Translations Tab, Dimension Designer) (Analysis Services - Multidimensional Data)