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Adding Attributes to Dimensions

Now that you have defined dimensions, you can populate them with attributes that represent each data element in the dimension. Attributes are commonly based on fields from a data source view. When adding attributes to a dimension, you can include fields from any table in the data source view.

In this task, you will use Dimension Designer to add attributes to the Customer and Product dimensions. The Customer dimension will include attributes based on fields from both the Customer and Geography tables.

Adding Attributes to the Customer Dimension

To add attributes

  1. Open Dimension Designer for the Customer dimension. To do this, double-click the Customer dimension in the Dimensions node of Solution Explorer.

  2. In the Attributes pane, notice the Customer Key and Geography Key attributes that were created by the Cube Wizard.

  3. On the toolbar of the Dimension Structure tab, make sure the Zoom icon to view the tables in the Data Source View pane is set at 100 percent.

  4. Drag the following columns from the Customer table in the Data Source View pane to the Attributes pane:

    • BirthDate

    • MaritalStatus

    • Gender

    • EmailAddress

    • YearlyIncome

    • TotalChildren

    • NumberChildrenAtHome

    • EnglishEducation

    • EnglishOccupation

    • HouseOwnerFlag

    • NumberCarsOwned

    • Phone

    • DateFirstPurchase

    • CommuteDistance

  5. Drag the following columns from the Geography table in the Data Source View pane to the Attributes pane:

    • City

    • StateProvinceName

    • EnglishCountryRegionName

    • PostalCode

  6. On the File menu, click Save All.

Adding Attributes to the Product Dimension

To add attributes

  1. Open Dimension Designer for the Product dimension. Double-click the Product dimension in Solution Explorer.

  2. In the Attributes pane, notice the Product Key attribute that was created by the Cube Wizard.

  3. On the toolbar of the Dimension Structure tab, make sure the Zoom icon to view the tables in the Data Source View pane is set at 100 percent.

  4. Drag the following columns from the Product table in the Data Source View pane to the Attributes pane:

    • StandardCost

    • Color

    • SafetyStockLevel

    • ReorderPoint

    • ListPrice

    • Size

    • SizeRange

    • Weight

    • DaysToManufacture

    • ProductLine

    • DealerPrice

    • Class

    • Style

    • ModelName

    • StartDate

    • EndDate

    • Status

  5. On the File menu, click Save All.

Next Task in Lesson

Reviewing Cube and Dimension Properties

See Also

Dimension Attribute Properties Reference