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XFORM Structure


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The latest version of this topic can be found at XFORM Structure.

The XFORM structure has the following form:


typedef struct  tagXFORM {  /* xfrm */  
    FLOAT eM11;  
    FLOAT eM12;  
    FLOAT eM21;  
    FLOAT eM22;  
    FLOAT eDx;  
    FLOAT eDy;  
} XFORM;  


The XFORM structure specifies a world-space to page-space transformation. The eDx and eDy members specify the horizontal and vertical translation components, respectively. The following table shows how the other members are used, depending on the operation:

Operation eM11 eM12 eM21 eM22
Rotation Cosine of rotation angle Sine of rotation angle Negative sine of rotation angle Cosine of rotation angle
Scaling Horizontal scaling component Nothing Nothing Vertical scaling component
Shear Nothing Horizontal proportionality constant Vertical proportionality constant Nothing
Reflection Horizontal reflection component Nothing Nothing Vertical reflection component


Header: wingdi.h

See Also

Structures, Styles, Callbacks, and Message Maps