Desired State Configuration (DSC) Known Issues and Limitations
Breaking Change: Certificates used to encrypt/decrypt passwords in DSC configurations may not work after installing WMF 5.0 RTM
In WMF 4.0 and WMF 5.0 Preview releases, DSC would not allow passwords in the configuration to be of length more than 121 characters. DSC was forcing to use short passwords even if lengthy and strong password was desired. This breaking change allows passwords to be of arbitrary length in the DSC configuration.
Resolution: Re-create the certificate with Data Encipherment or Key Encipherment Key usage, and Document Encryption Enhanced Key usage ( For more information, see Protect-CmsMessage.
DSC cmdlets may fail after installing WMF 5.0 RTM
and other DSC cmdlets may fail after installing WMF 5.0 RTM with the
following error:
LCM failed to retrieve the property PendingJobStep from the object of class dscInternalCache .
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (root/Microsoft/...gurationManager:String) [], CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MI RESULT 6
+ PSComputerName : localhost
Resolution: Delete DSCEngineCache.mof by running the following command in an elevated PowerShell session (Run as Administrator):
Remove-Item -Path $env:SystemRoot\system32\Configuration\DSCEngineCache.mof
DSC cmdlets may not work if WMF 5.0 RTM is installed on top of WMF 5.0 Production Preview
Resolution: Run the following command in an elevated PowerShell session (run as administrator):
mofcomp $env:windir\system32\wbem\DscCoreConfProv.mof
LCM can go into an unstable state while using Get-DscConfiguration in DebugMode
If LCM is in DebugMode, pressing CTRL+C to stop the processing of Get-DscConfiguration
can cause
LCM to go into an unstable state such that majority of DSC cmdlets won't work.
Resolution: Don't press CTRL+C while debugging Get-DscConfiguration
Stop-DscConfiguration may not respond in DebugMode
If LCM is in DebugMode, Stop-DscConfiguration
may not respond while trying to stop an operation
started by Get-DscConfiguration
Resolution: Finish the debugging of the operation started by Get-DscConfiguration
as outlined
in Debugging DSC resources.
No Verbose Error Messages are shown in DebugMode
If LCM is in DebugMode, no verbose error messages are displayed from DSC Resources.
Resolution: Disable DebugMode to see verbose messages from the resource
Invoke-DscResource operations cannot be retrieved by Get-DscConfigurationStatus cmdlet
After using Invoke-DscResource
cmdlet to directly invoke any resource's methods, the records of
such operation cannot be retrieved through Get-DscConfigurationStatus
Resolution: None.
Get-DscConfigurationStatus returns pull cycle operations as type Consistency
When a node is set to PULL refresh mode, for each pull operation performed,
cmdlet reports the operation type as Consistency instead of Initial
Resolution: None.
Invoke-DscResource cmdlet does not return message in the order they were produced
The Invoke-DscResource
cmdlet does not return verbose, warning, and error messages in the order
they were produced by LCM or the DSC resource.
Resolution: None.
DSC Resources cannot be debugged easily when used with Invoke-DscResource
When LCM is running in debug mode, Invoke-DscResource
cmdlet does not give information about
runspace to connect to for debugging. For more information, see Debugging DSC resources.
Resolution: Discover and attach to the runspace using cmdlets Get-PSHostProcessInfo
, Get-Runspace
and Debug-Runspace
to debug the DSC resource.
# Find all the processes hosting PowerShell
ProcessName ProcessId AppDomainName
----------- --------- -------------
powershell 3932 DefaultAppDomain
powershell_ise 2304 DefaultAppDomain
WmiPrvSE 3396 DscPsPluginWkr_AppDomain
# Enter the process that is hosting DSC engine (WMI process with DscPsPluginWkr_Appdomain)
Enter-PSHostProcess -Id 3396 -AppDomainName DscPsPluginWkr_AppDomain
# Find all the available rusnspaces in that process
Id Name ComputerName Type State Availability
-- ---- ------------ ---- ----- ------------
2 Runspace2 localhost Local Opened InBreakpoint
5 RemoteHost localhost Local Opened Busy
# Debug the runspace that is in **InBreakpoint** availability state
Debug-Runspace -Id 2
Various Partial Configuration documents for same node cannot have identical resource names
For several partial configurations that are deployed onto a single node, identical names of resources cause run time error.
Resolution: Use different names for even same resources in different partial configurations.
Start-DscConfiguration –UseExisting does not work with -Credential
When using Start-DscConfiguration
with UseExisting parameter, the Credential parameter is
ignored. DSC uses default process identity to proceed the operation. This causes error when a
different credential is needed to proceed on remote node.
Resolution: Use CIM session for remote DSC operations:
$session = New-CimSession -ComputerName $node -Credential $credential
Start-DscConfiguration -UseExisting -CimSession $session
IPv6 Addresses as Node Names in DSC configurations
IPv6 addresses as node names in DSC configuration scripts are not supported in this release.
Resolution: None.
Debugging of Class-Based
DSC Resources
Debugging of class-based DSC Resources is not supported in this release.
Resolution: None.
Variables and functions defined in $script scope in DSC Class-Based Resource are not preserved across multiple calls to a DSC Resource
Multiple consecutive calls to Start-DSCConfiguration
fails if the configuration is using any
class-based resource which has variables or functions defined in $script
Resolution: Define all variables and functions in DSC Resource class itself. No $script
DSC Resource Debugging when a resource is using PSDscRunAsCredential
DSC Resource debugging when a resource is using the PSDscRunAsCredential property in the configuration is not supported in this release.
Resolution: None.
PsDscRunAsCredential is not supported for DSC Composite Resources
Resolution: Use Credential property if available. Example ServiceSet and WindowsFeatureSet
Get-DscResource -Syntax does not reflect PsDscRunAsCredential correctly
The Syntax parameter does not reflect PsDscRunAsCredential correctly when resource marks it as mandatory or does not support it.
Resolution: None. However, authoring configuration in ISE reflects correct metadata about PsDscRunAsCredential property when using IntelliSense.
WindowsOptionalFeature is not available in Windows 7
The WindowsOptionalFeature DSC resource is not available in Windows 7. This resource requires the DISM module, and DISM cmdlets that are available starting in Windows 8 and newer releases of the Windows operating system.
For Class-based DSC resources, Import-DscResource -ModuleVersion may not work as expected
If the compilation node has multiple versions of a class-based DSC resource module,
Import-DscResource -ModuleVersion
does not pick the specified version and results in following
compilation error.
ImportClassResourcesFromModule : Exception calling "ImportClassResourcesFromModule" with "3" argument(s):
"Keyword 'MyTestResource' already defined in the configuration."
At C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\PSDesiredStateConfiguration\PSDesiredStateConfiguration.psm1:2035 char:35
+ ... rcesFound = ImportClassResourcesFromModule -Module $mod -Resources $r ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [ImportClassResourcesFromModule], MethodInvocationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PSInvalidOperationException,ImportClassResourcesFromModule
Resolution: Import the required version by defining the ModuleSpecification object to the ModuleName parameter with RequiredVersion key specified as follows:
Import-DscResource -ModuleName @{ModuleName='MyModuleName';RequiredVersion='1.2'}
Some DSC resources like registry resource may start to take a long time to process the request.
Resolution 1: Create a schedule task that cleans up the following folder periodically.
Resolution 2: Change the DSC configuration to clean up the CommandAnalysis folder at the end of the configuration.
Configuration $configName
# User Data
Registry SetRegisteredOwner
Ensure = 'Present'
Force = $True
Key = $Node.RegisteredKey
ValueName = $Node.RegisteredOwnerValue
ValueType = 'String'
ValueData = $Node.RegisteredOwnerData
# Script to delete the config
script DeleteCommandAnalysisCache
DependsOn = "[Registry]SetRegisteredOwner"
getscript = "@{}"
testscript = 'Remove-Item -Path $env:windir\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\CommandAnalysis -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ev | out-null;$true'
setscript = '$true'