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Release notes

3.0.6 - January 2020

  • Authentication
    • Addressed issue #268 that was impacting the New-PartnerAccessToken command when trying to get an access token for Exchange Online with a refresh token
  • Agreements
  • Qualifications

3.0.5 - January 2020

  • Authentication
    • Addressed issue #254 with the New-PartnerAccessToken where the Scope parameter was incorrectly being required
    • Addressed an issue where NullReferenceException exception was being encountered when invoking Connect-PartnerCenter using a certificate
    • Addressed an issue where NullReferenceException exception was being encountered when invoking New-PartnerAccessToken using a certificate
    • Defined the refresh token parameter set for the New-PartnerAccessToken command to make it easier to ensure all the appropriate parameters have been specified when exchanging a refresh token for an access token
  • Module
    • All commands now perform operations asynchronously

3.0.4 - January 2020

  • Authentication
    • Addressed an issue where NullReferenceException exception was being encountered when invoking Connect-PartnerCenter using a certificate
    • Addressed an issue where NullReferenceException exception was being encountered when invoking New-PartnerAccessToken using a certificate
    • Defined the refresh token parameter set for the New-PartnerAccessToken command to make it easier to ensure all the appropriate parameters have been specified when exchanging a refresh token for an access token
  • Module
    • All commands now perform operations asynchronously

3.0.3 - December 2019

  • Authentication
    • Added the Register-PartnerTokenCache to create, and delete, the control file that determines if a in-memory token cache should be used instead of the default persistent token cache
    • Addressed an issue where an InvalidOperationException exception was being encountering with the Connect-PartnerCenter and New-PartnerAccessToken commands when specifying an environment
    • Addressed an issue where an InvalidOperationException exception was being encountered under certain circumstances when invoking Connect-PartnerCenter and attempting to authenticate interactively
    • Addressed issue #234 that was preventing the New-PartnerAccessToken command from executing successfully when being invoked through an Azure Function app
  • Invoice
  • Network
  • Product Upgrades
    • Addressed an issue with starting the upgrade process for an Azure Plan
  • Subscription
    • Added the PartnerId parameter to the Set-PartnerCustomerSubscription command
    • Addressed issue #228 that was causing issues with enabling and suspend an Azure subscription that is part of an Azure Plan

3.0.2 - December 2019

  • Authentication
    • Addressed issue #230 that was caused by a deadlock

3.0.1 - December 2019

3.0.0 - December 2019

  • Agreement
    • Added the Get-PartnerAgreementStatus command to get the status of acceptance of the Microsoft Partner Agreement for the specified partner
  • Authentication
  • Azure
  • Build
    • Updating the test project from .NET Core 2.2 to .NET 3.0
  • Dependency
    • Updated to the latest version of the Partner Center SDK for .NET
  • Invoice
    • Added the Period parameter to the Get-PartnerInvoiceLineItem command to provide a way for the user to specify if they want the current or previous unbilled line items
    • Addressed issue #202 that was returning request for invoice line items with no errors
  • Module
    • Addressed issue #217 that was impacting executing commands through Azure Automation
    • Updated the transient error strategy for network operations
    • When running any command with with the Debug parameter the request and response from the API will be written to the console in addition to any operation specific debug information
  • Security
  • Subscription
  • Validation
    • Addressed a scenario where a NullReferenceException could be thrown when running the Test-PartnerAddress command

2.0.1911.5 - November 2019

  • Security
    • Optimized the Get-PartnerUser command
    • Optimized the Get-PartnerUserSignInActivity command

2.0.1911.4 - November 2019

2.0.1911.3 - November 2019

  • Authentication
    • Addressed issue #186 that was preventing access token from being generated when using the device code flow
  • Security

2.0.1911.2 - November 2019

  • Dependencies
    • Addressed issues #183 and #183 caused by an assembly binding issue

2.0.1911.1 - November 2019

  • Authentication
    • Addressed issue preventing CTRL+C from interrupting the waiting for a response during the interactive authentication scenario
  • Invoicing
    • Daily Rated Usage Line Item
      • Added the EntitlementId, EntitlementDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, PCToBCExchangeRateDate, EffectiveUnitPrice, and RateOfPartnerEarnedCredit properties
      • Modified the type for the AdditionalInfo and Tags properties from string to Dictionary<string, string>
    • One Time Invoice Line Item
      • Added the BillableQuantity, MeterDescription, PCToBCExchangeRateDate, PCToBCExchangeRate, PriceAdjustmentDescription, and PricingCurrency properties
  • Product Upgrades
  • Security
    • Added the Get-PartnerUser command to get partner user accounts
      • Added the Get-PartnerUserSignInActivity command to get sign-in activities for the specified user account
  • Subscriptions
  • Usage

2.0.1909.5 - September 2019

  • Dependency
    • Corrected an issue that was preventing a dependency from being updated after a successful build

2.0.1909.4 - September 2019

  • Authentication
    • Log events from the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) will now be written to the console when the debug flag is set

2.0.1909.3 - September 2019

  • Authentication
    • Address issue #156 where the refresh token was not being returned if it had not been previously used by the module during an interactive authentication attempt
    • After successfully authenticating the module will attempt to get country and locale based on the partner organization profile
  • Security

2.0.1909.2 - September 2019

  • Authentication
  • Dependencies
    • Updated the version of Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime to the latest.

2.0.1909.1 - September 2019

  • Agreements
    • Added the Get-PartnerAgreementTemplate command to provide access to the links download or view the Microsoft Customer Agreement
    • Added the ability to request the Microsoft Customer Agreement template metadata
    • The AgreementType enumeration has been removed, and where it was used the type has changed to a string
  • Authentication
    • Added the ability to invoke Connect-PartnerCenter without requiring the creation of an Azure Active Directory application
    • Enabled interactive login support for cross-platform by default
    • Device code flow login is now the backup option of interactive login fails, or the user provides the -UseDeviceAuthentication switch parameter
    • Token cache is now shared with other products, such as Azure CLI and Visual Studio 2019
  • Module
    • The PartnerCenter module now supports PowerShell 5.1 and PowerShell, as a result the PartnerCenter.NetCore module will be retired
  • Subscriptions
    • Added the New-PartnerCustomerSubscriptionActivation command to make it where third-party subscriptions can be activated in the integration sandbox