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SearchReportsJob members

Handles the Search Reports analysis. Class inherits from AnalyticsJobBase. An instance of AnalyticsJobDefinition will try to run an instance of SearchReportsJob, based on a configured schedule.

The SearchReportsJob type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method SearchReportsJob() Creates an instance of this class. This constructor is required for deserialization and used for recreating a SPPersistedObject object based on data that already exists.
Public method SearchReportsJob(Guid, SPPersistedObject) Creates an instance of this class. This constructor is used to create the initial class instance, creating a new SPPersistedObject instance.



  Name Description
Protected property CompletedRuns Gets or sets a Int64 value that keeps track of the view this analytics job has, of completed analysis runs. This property indicates if a new analysis is complete. (Inherited from AnalyticsJobBase.)
Protected property CurrentRunTime Gets or sets a DateTime value, holding the start time of the current run in progress. When the run is completed, this value will replace LastRunTime. (Inherited from SearchAnalyticsJobBase.)
Protected property DbIsAvailable Gets or sets a Boolean value denoting if the Link database is available or not. (Inherited from SearchAnalyticsJobBase.)
Public property Description Gets the localized description of the analysis job as a String. (Overrides AnalyticsJobBase.Description.)
Public property DisplayName Gets the localized name of the analysis job as a String. (Overrides SPPersistedObject.DisplayName.)
Public property Farm (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property GetNextRunStartTime Gets the time for when the next analysis job is scheduled to run. (Inherited from AnalyticsJobBase.)
Public property Id (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Protected property IsDirty Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates if the state of the timer job object has changed. (Inherited from AnalyticsJobBase.)
Public property JobScheduleDisabled Gets or sets a Boolean value to enable or disable analysis job scheduling. (Inherited from AnalyticsJobBase.)
Protected property LastRunTime Gets or sets a DateTime value, holding the start time of last analysis job run that was successful. (Inherited from SearchAnalyticsJobBase.)
Protected property LastSuccessfulAnalysisRun Gets or sets a DateTime value, holding the timestamp of the last analysis job that was completed successfully. (Inherited from SearchAnalyticsJobBase.)
Protected property LocalUlsLogSourceName Gets or sets a String value to be used in ULS events. (Inherited from SearchAnalyticsJobBase.)
Public property Name (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Protected property NextScheduledRun Gets or sets a DateTime value, holding the time of next analysis run scheduled. (Inherited from SearchAnalyticsJobBase.)
Protected property NumFailed Gets or sets an integer value, holding the number of analyses that have failed repeatedly. (Inherited from SearchAnalyticsJobBase.)
Public property Parent (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property Properties (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property Status (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property TypeName (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Protected property UlsPrefix Gets a String value used to prefix ULS log messages. (Inherited from AnalyticsJobBase.)
Public property UpgradedPersistedProperties (Inherited from SPAutoSerializingObject.)
Public property Version (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Protected property WasCreated (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)



  Name Description
Protected method CheckLinkDbConnections Checks the availability of partitions in the Link database. (Inherited from SearchAnalyticsJobBase.)
Public method ClearAnalysis Clears the analysis cache, which must be in the stopped or failed state before its cache can be cleared. (Inherited from AnalyticsJobBase.)
Public method Clone (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Protected method CompletedRunsIsIncremented Checks if the analysis job has completed a new run. (Inherited from AnalyticsJobBase.)
Public method Delete (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method DisableJobSchedule Disables scheduling of the current job. (Inherited from AnalyticsJobBase.)
Public method EnableJobSchedule Enables scheduling of the current analysis job. (Inherited from AnalyticsJobBase.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Protected method ExecuteInternal(IAnalysisEngineAgent) Performs analysis lifecycle tasks. Attempts to start analysis if it is time to do so. This method is called regularly by an instance of AnalyticsJobDefinition, which represents the general timer job for SearchAnalyticsJob and SearchReportsJob. (Overrides AnalyticsJobBase.ExecuteInternal(IAnalysisEngineAgent).)
Protected method ExecuteInternal(IAnalysisEngineAgent, Boolean) Performs analysis lifecycle tasks. Attempts to start analysis if it is time to do so and startAnalysis is true. (Overrides SearchAnalyticsJobBase.ExecuteInternal(IAnalysisEngineAgent, Boolean).)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetAnalysisConfiguration Gets the configuration settings for the current analysis. (Inherited from AnalyticsJobBase.)
Public method GetAnalysisInfo Gets analysis information for the current analysis. (Inherited from AnalyticsJobBase.)
Public method GetChild<T>() (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method GetChild<T>(String) (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method GetObjectData (Inherited from SPAutoSerializingObject.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method HasAdditionalUpdateAccess (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method OnDeserialization (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Provision (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method RefreshAnalysisConfiguration Refreshes the configuration settings for the current analysis by reloading the settings from the internal location where they are stored. (Inherited from AnalyticsJobBase.)
Public method ResumeAnalysis Resumes the analysis job, which must be in a paused state. (Inherited from AnalyticsJobBase.)
Protected method SaveStateIfChanged Saves the state to the configuration database if the state has changed since the last check. (Inherited from AnalyticsJobBase.)
Protected method SetValue<T> Use when asserting a new value to certain properties to ensure state changes that need to be written to the database are tracked. (Inherited from AnalyticsJobBase.)
Public method StartAnalysis Starts the analysis, which must be in the stopped or failed state before it can be started. (Inherited from SearchAnalyticsJobBase.)
Public method StopAnalysis Stops the analysis, which must be in the running or paused state. (Inherited from AnalyticsJobBase.)
Public method SuspendAnalysis Suspends the analysis, which must be in the running state. (Inherited from AnalyticsJobBase.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Uncache (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Unprovision (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Update() (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Update(Boolean) (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Protected method UpdateNextScheduledRun Sets the next time to run a new analysis job. (Inherited from SearchAnalyticsJobBase.)
Protected method UpdateParent (Inherited from SPAutoSerializingObject.)
Protected method Validate (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)



  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member AnalysisName Name of analysis handled by the current analysis job.


See also


SearchReportsJob class

Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Analytics namespace