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PeopleManager members

Represents the primary class for operations related to people.

The PeopleManager type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method PeopleManager Initializes a new instance of the PeopleManager class.



  Name Description
Public property EditProfileLink Gets the URL of the edit profile page.
Public property IsMyPeopleListPublic Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the user's People I'm Following list is public.
Public property MyFollowingCount Gets the number of people who the current user is following.



  Name Description
Public method AmIFollowedBy Checks whether the specified user is following the current user.
Public method AmIFollowing Checks whether the current user is following the specified user.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Follow Have the current user start following the specified user.
Public method FollowTag Have the current user start following the specified tag.
Public method GetFollowedTags Gets tags that the user is following.
Public method GetFollowersFor Gets the people who are following the specified user.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetMyFollowers Gets the people who are following the current user.
Public method GetMyProperties Gets user properties for the current user.
Public method GetMySuggestions Gets suggestions for who the current user might want to follow.
Public method GetPeopleFollowedBy Gets the people who the specified user is following.
Public method GetPeopleFollowedByMe Gets the set of people who the current user is following.
Public method GetPropertiesFor Gets user properties for the specified user.
Public methodStatic member GetTrendingTags Gets the most popular tags.
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetUserProfilePropertiesFor Gets the specified user profile properties for the specified user.
Public method GetUserProfilePropertyFor Gets a user profile property for the specified user.
Public method HideSuggestion Removes the specified user from the user's list of suggested people to follow.
Public methodStatic member IsFollowing Checks whether the first user is following the second user.
Public method LoadData Loads the specified Following data for the specifed user.
Public method LoadMyData Loads the specified Following data for the current user.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method SetMyProfilePicture Uploads and sets the user profile picture.
Public method StopFollowing Have the current user stop following the specified user.
Public method StopFollowingTag Have the current user stop following the specified tag.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


See also


PeopleManager class

Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles namespace