LookupTableDataSet.LookupTableTreesRow members
Represents the value of one node in a lookup table tree.
The LookupTableDataSet.LookupTableTreesRow type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
HasErrors | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[Int32] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[String] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[DataColumn] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[Int32, DataRowVersion] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[String, DataRowVersion] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[DataColumn, DataRowVersion] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
ItemArray | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
LookupTablesRow | Represents the specific lookup table where the node value is used. | |
LookupTableTreesRowParent | Specifies the GUID of the parent node of the lookup table tree node. | |
LT_PARENT_STRUCT_UID | Specifies the GUID of the parent lookup table structure. | |
LT_STRUCT_COOKIE | Represents a token for the lookup table structure. | |
LT_STRUCT_UID | Specifies the GUID of the lookup table structure. | |
LT_UID | Specifies the GUID of the lookup table. | |
LT_VALUE_DATE | Specifies the date and time value in a lookup table of the Date type. | |
LT_VALUE_DEFAULT_BACK_COLOR | Default background color of a lookup table value. | |
LT_VALUE_DEFAULT_FORE_COLOR | Default foreground color of a lookup table value. | |
LT_VALUE_DEFAULT_WEIGHT | Default weight of the lookup table value, for project portfolio analyses. | |
LT_VALUE_DESC | Description of the lookup table node. | |
LT_VALUE_DUR | Specifies the duration value in a lookup table of the Duration type. | |
LT_VALUE_DUR_FMT | The duration format specifies the unit of duration, such as days or weeks, in a lookup table of the Duration type. | |
LT_VALUE_FULL | Shows the full value of a multilevel lookup table node, including the parent values with separator characters. | |
LT_VALUE_LOCALIZED_COOKIE | Token for localization of a lookup table value. | |
LT_VALUE_NUM | Decimal value of the node for a lookup table of the Number type. | |
LT_VALUE_PHONETIC | Specifies the phonetic value of the node of a lookup table of type Text. | |
LT_VALUE_SORT_INDEX | The sort index is the decimal value of the row number of the lookup table value. | |
LT_VALUE_TEXT | String value of the node for a lookup table of the Text type. | |
RowError | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
RowState | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Table | (Inherited from DataRow.) |
Name | Description | |
AcceptChanges | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
BeginEdit | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
CancelEdit | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
ClearErrors | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Delete | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
EndEdit | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Equals | (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetChildRows(String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetChildRows(DataRelation) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetChildRows(String, DataRowVersion) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetChildRows(DataRelation, DataRowVersion) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetColumnError(Int32) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetColumnError(String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetColumnError(DataColumn) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetColumnsInError | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetHashCode | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetLookupTableTreesRows | Returns an array of LookupTableTreesRow objects from a LookupTableTreesDataTable. | |
GetParentRow(String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetParentRow(DataRelation) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetParentRow(String, DataRowVersion) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetParentRow(DataRelation, DataRowVersion) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetParentRows(String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetParentRows(DataRelation) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetParentRows(String, DataRowVersion) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetParentRows(DataRelation, DataRowVersion) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetType | (Inherited from Object.) | |
HasVersion | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
IsLT_PARENT_STRUCT_UIDNull | Determines whether the LT_PARENT_STRUCT_UID property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsLT_STRUCT_COOKIENull | Determines whether the LT_STRUCT_COOKIE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsLT_VALUE_DATENull | Determines whether the LT_VALUE_DATE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsLT_VALUE_DESCNull | Determines whether the LT_VALUE_DESC property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsLT_VALUE_DUR_FMTNull | Determines whether the LT_VALUE_DUR_FMT property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsLT_VALUE_DURNull | Determines whether the LT_VALUE_DUR property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsLT_VALUE_FULLNull | Determines whether the LT_VALUE_FULL property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsLT_VALUE_LOCALIZED_COOKIENull | Determines whether the LT_VALUE_LOCALIZED_COOKIE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsLT_VALUE_NUMNull | Determines whether the LT_VALUE_NUM property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsLT_VALUE_PHONETICNull | Determines whether the LT_VALUE_PHONETIC property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsLT_VALUE_SORT_INDEXNull | Determines whether the LT_VALUE_SORT_INDEX property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsLT_VALUE_TEXTNull | Determines whether the LT_VALUE_TEXT property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsNull(Int32) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
IsNull(String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
IsNull(DataColumn) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
IsNull(DataColumn, DataRowVersion) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
MemberwiseClone | (Inherited from Object.) | |
RejectChanges | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetAdded | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetColumnError(Int32, String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetColumnError(String, String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetColumnError(DataColumn, String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetLT_PARENT_STRUCT_UIDNull | Sets the LT_PARENT_STRUCT_UID property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetLT_STRUCT_COOKIENull | Sets the LT_STRUCT_COOKIE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetLT_VALUE_DATENull | Sets the LT_VALUE_DATE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetLT_VALUE_DESCNull | Sets the LT_VALUE_DESC property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetLT_VALUE_DUR_FMTNull | Sets the LT_VALUE_DUR_FMT property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetLT_VALUE_DURNull | Sets the LT_VALUE_DUR property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetLT_VALUE_FULLNull | Sets the LT_VALUE_FULL property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetLT_VALUE_LOCALIZED_COOKIENull | Sets the LT_VALUE_LOCALIZED_COOKIE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetLT_VALUE_NUMNull | Sets the LT_VALUE_NUM property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetLT_VALUE_PHONETICNull | Sets the LT_VALUE_PHONETIC property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetLT_VALUE_SORT_INDEXNull | Sets the LT_VALUE_SORT_INDEX property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetLT_VALUE_TEXTNull | Sets the LT_VALUE_TEXT property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetModified | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetNull | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetParentRow(DataRow) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetParentRow(DataRow, DataRelation) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
ToString | (Inherited from Object.) |