ProjectDataSet.TaskRow members
Defines the properties, methods, and events of one task in a TaskDataTable.
The ProjectDataSet.TaskRow type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddAfterTaskUID | Adds a task after the specified task GUID. | |
AddPosition | Specifies the position in a project to add a task. | |
CREATED_DATE | The date when the task was created. | |
DurationType | Deprecated. Use TASK_DUR_FMT to set the desired duration display format. | |
HasErrors | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[Int32] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[String] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[DataColumn] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[Int32, DataRowVersion] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[String, DataRowVersion] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[DataColumn, DataRowVersion] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
ItemArray | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
MOD_DATE | The date when the task was last saved to the project. | |
PROJ_NAME | A copy of the project name. | |
PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_DIGITS | To be deprecated in the TaskDataTable. Specifies the number of digits that are displayed to the right of the decimal when currency values are displayed. | |
PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_POSITION | To be deprecated in the TaskDataTable. Specifies the placement of the currency symbol in relation to the currency value. | |
PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL | To be deprecated in the TaskDataTable. The symbol that is used to represent the type of currency that is used in the project. | |
PROJ_TYPE | Specifies the Project.ProjectType of the project to which the task belongs. | |
PROJ_UID | Specifies the GUID of the project to which this task belongs. | |
RowError | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
RowState | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
StatusManager | Gets or sets the GUID of the task status manager. | |
Table | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
TASK_ACT_COST | Specifies the total current actual cost that is incurred for this task. | |
TASK_ACT_DUR | Specifies the span of actual working time for a task so far, based on the scheduled duration and current remaining work or percentage of work complete. | |
TASK_ACT_FINISH | Specifies the date and time when a task actually finished. | |
TASK_ACT_OVT_COST | Specifies the costs that are incurred for overtime work that has been performed on a task by all assigned resources. | |
TASK_ACT_OVT_WORK | Specifies the actual amount of overtime work that has been performed by all resources assigned to a task. | |
TASK_ACT_START | Specifies the date and time when a task actually began. | |
TASK_ACT_WORK | Specifies the amount of work that has been done by the resources that are assigned to a task. | |
TASK_ACWP | Actual cost of work performed is the sum of costs that are incurred for work done on a task, up to the project status date or today's date. | |
TASK_BCWP | Budgeted cost of work performed specifies the task earned value. | |
TASK_BCWS | Budgeted cost for work scheduled specifies the cumulative timephased baseline costs up to the status date or today's date. | |
TASK_BUDGET_COST | Specifies the total budget cost for the task. | |
TASK_BUDGET_WORK | Specifies the total budget work for the task. | |
TASK_CAL_UID | Specifies the GUID of a task-specific calendar. | |
TASK_COMPLETE_THROUGH | Gets the date that specifies when the task was completed. | |
TASK_CONSTRAINT_DATE | Specifies the constrained start or finish date, depending on the value of TASK_CONSTRAINT_TYPE. | |
TASK_CONSTRAINT_TYPE | Indicates the type of scheduling constraint to use, with a short integer of Task.ConstraintType. | |
TASK_CONTACT | Contains the name of the person who is responsible for the task. | |
TASK_COST | Specifies the current projected cost of the task. | |
TASK_COST_VAR | Task cost variance specifies the difference between the baseline cost and the total cost for a task. | |
TASK_CPI | The Cost Performance Index (CPI) specifies the ratio of BCWP (budgeted cost of work performed) to ACWP (actual cost of work performed). | |
TASK_CV | Specifies the task cost variance. | |
TASK_DEADLINE | Specifies the date of the task deadline. | |
TASK_DUR | Specifies the duration of the task. | |
TASK_DUR_FMT | The task duration format indicates the desired display format of the duration value, and whether the duration is considered an estimate rather than a firm value. | |
TASK_DUR_IS_EST | Indicates whether the TASK_DUR_FMT is an estimate. | |
TASK_DUR_TXT | Contains the free-form text that is associated with the manually scheduled task duration. | |
TASK_DUR_VAR | Duration variance is the difference between the planned duration and the current duration of the task. | |
TASK_EAC | Estimate at completion is the total scheduled or projected cost for a task based on costs that have been incurred, in addition to the costs that are planned for remaining work. | |
TASK_EARLY_FINISH | Specifies the earliest possible date on which the task can finish. | |
TASK_EARLY_START | Specifies the earliest possible date that the task can start. | |
TASK_EVMETHOD | The earned value method indicates which method to use when calculating earned value. | |
TASK_EXT_PROJ_UID | Specifies the unique ID of the external project that is represented by this task. | |
TASK_FINISH_DATE | The date when this task is scheduled to be completed. | |
TASK_FINISH_SLACK | The finish slack duration is the duration between the TASK_EARLY_FINISH date and the TASK_LATE_FINISH date. | |
TASK_FINISH_TXT | Contains the free-form text that is associated with the manually scheduled task finish date. | |
TASK_FINISH_VAR | The task finish variance is the difference between the task finish date and the baseline finish date. | |
TASK_FIXED_COST | The fixed cost of a task includes any non-resource task expense. | |
TASK_FIXED_COST_ACCRUAL | Indicates how fixed costs are to be accrued in a task. | |
TASK_FREE_SLACK | The task free slack duration is the amount of time that a task can be delayed without delaying any successor tasks. | |
TASK_HAS_LINKED_FIELDS | Specifies whether the task has OLE linked fields. | |
TASK_HYPERLINK_ADDRESS | The task hyperlink address is the URI for the hyperlink that is associated with this task. | |
TASK_HYPERLINK_FRIENDLY_NAME | Specifies the display text for the hyperlink that is associated with this task. | |
TASK_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESS | Specifies the anchor portion of the URI of the hyperlink that is associated with the task. | |
TASK_ID | Specifies an ordinal indicator of where the task is displayed in the list of tasks. | |
TASK_IGNORES_RES_CAL | Indicates whether the resource calendar should be ignored when scheduling this task. | |
TASK_IS_ACTIVE | Gets or sets the Boolean value that specifies whether the task is active. | |
TASK_IS_CRITICAL | Specifies whether slack is associated with this task. | |
TASK_IS_DISPSUMMARY | This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. This field should always be zero. | |
TASK_IS_EFFORT_DRIVEN | Indicates whether scheduling for a task is effort-driven. | |
TASK_IS_EXTERNAL | Indicates whether the task is from another project or whether it originated in the current project. | |
TASK_IS_FROM_FINISH_SUBPROJ | Indicates whether a task represents an inserted project that is marked as Schedule-from-Finish (SF). | |
TASK_IS_MANUAL | Gets or sets the Boolean value that specifies whether the task is manually scheduled. | |
TASK_IS_MARKED | Indicates whether the task is tagged as having special meaning to the user. | |
TASK_IS_MILESTONE | Indicates whether a task is a milestone. | |
TASK_IS_NULL | Specifies whether the task has no values set. | |
TASK_IS_OVERALLOCATED | Indicates whether an assigned resource on a task has been assigned to more work on the task than can be done within the normal working capacity. | |
TASK_IS_READONLY_SUBPROJ | Specifies whether the task is a subproject that is set to read-only. | |
TASK_IS_RECURRING | Indicates whether a task is part of a series of recurring tasks. | |
TASK_IS_RECURRING_SUMMARY | Indicates whether a task is the parent of a series of repeating tasks. | |
TASK_IS_ROLLED_UP | Indicates whether information on the subtask Gantt bars is rolled up to the summary task bar. | |
TASK_IS_SUBPROJ | Indicates that the task represents a subproject. | |
TASK_IS_SUMMARY | Indicates whether a task is a summary task. | |
TASK_LATE_FINISH | Contains the latest date that a task can finish without delaying the finish of the project. | |
TASK_LATE_START | Contains the latest date that a task can start without delaying the finish of the project. | |
TASK_LEVELING_ADJUSTS_ASSN | Indicates whether the leveling function can delay and split individual assignments (rather than the entire task) to resolve over-allocations. | |
TASK_LEVELING_CAN_SPLIT | Indicates whether the resource leveling function can cause splits on remaining work on this task. | |
TASK_LEVELING_DELAY | Contains the amount of time that a task or assignment is to be delayed from its early start date as a result of resource leveling. | |
TASK_LEVELING_DELAY_FMT | Indicates the desired display format of the TASK_LEVELING_DELAY value, and whether the duration is considered only an estimate rather than a firm value. | |
TASK_LOCKDOWN_BY_MANAGER | Indicates whether a task has been locked out from changes by a manager. | |
TASK_NAME | Specifies the display title of the task. | |
TASK_NOTES | Contains the text value of user-entered notes for a task. | |
TASK_OUTLINE_LEVEL | Indicates the level of a task by number (such as 1, 2, or 3) in the project outline hierarchy. | |
TASK_OUTLINE_NUM | Represents a task's position by number (such as 1, 1.1, or 1.2.1) in the hierarchical outline structure. | |
TASK_OVT_COST | Contains the sum of TASK_ACT_OVT_COST and TASK_REM_OVT_COST. | |
TASK_OVT_WORK | Specifies the total amount of overtime work on a task. | |
TASK_PARENT_UID | Contains the GUID of the parent summary task. | |
TASK_PCT_COMP | Contains the percentage of elapsed duration compared with the remaining duration. | |
TASK_PCT_WORK_COMP | Contains the percentage of work elapsed compared with the amount of work that is remaining to be done. | |
TASK_PHY_PCT_COMP | Contains the physical percent of work completed on the task. | |
TASK_PRELEVELED_FINISH | Contains the finish date of a task before resource leveling. | |
TASK_PRELEVELED_START | Contains the start date of a task before resource leveling. | |
TASK_PRIORITY | Contains the level of importance that is given to a task, which indicates how readily a task or assignment can be delayed or split during resource leveling. | |
TASK_REG_WORK | Contains the total amount of non-overtime work that is scheduled to be performed by resources. | |
TASK_REM_COST | Contains the remaining cost to complete the task. | |
TASK_REM_DUR | Contains the amount of time that is required to complete the unfinished portion of a task. | |
TASK_REM_OVT_COST | Contains the remaining overtime cost to complete the task. | |
TASK_REM_OVT_WORK | Contains the sum of all remaining overtime work values for all the resources that are assigned to the task. | |
TASK_REM_WORK | Contains the amount of time that is required to complete a task. | |
TASK_RESUME_DATE | Contains the date when the remaining portion of a task is scheduled to resume after you enter any progress. | |
TASK_SCHED_DUR | Gets the duration of the task as calculated by the scheduler. | |
TASK_SCHED_DUR_FMT | Gets or sets the unit of measure in which the scheduled duration of a task is displayed in Project. | |
TASK_SCHED_FINISH | Gets the date and time when a task is scheduled to be completed. | |
TASK_SCHED_START | Gets the date and time when a task is scheduled to begin. | |
TASK_SPI | Task schedule performance index is the ratio of the budgeted cost of work performed to the budgeted cost of work scheduled. | |
TASK_START_DATE | Contains the starting date of the task. | |
TASK_START_SLACK | Contains the amount of time that a task start date can be delayed without delaying the project. | |
TASK_START_TXT | Gets or sets the free-form text that is associated with the manually scheduled task start date. | |
TASK_START_VAR | Task start variance is the difference between the baseline start date (TB_START ) and the actual start date (TASK_START_DATE). | |
TASK_STOP_DATE | Represents the end of the actual portion of a task. | |
TASK_SV | The cost difference between the current progress and the baseline plan of a task. | |
TASK_TCPI | Task to complete performance index is the ratio of remaining available budget to remaining scheduled cost as of the status date. | |
TASK_TOTAL_SLACK | Contains the amount of time a task's finish date can be delayed without delaying the project's finish date. | |
TASK_TYPE | Specifies the task type (fixed units, fixed duration, or fixed work). | |
TASK_UID | Specifies the unique identifier (GUID) of a task. | |
TASK_VAC | Task variance at completion is the difference between the TB_COST (Budget At Completion) or baseline cost and TASK_EAC (Estimate At Completion). | |
TASK_WBS | Task work breakdown structure code is a read-only alphanumeric code that can indicate the relationships between tasks. | |
TASK_WORK | Specifies the total amount of time that is scheduled on a task for all assigned resources. | |
TASK_WORK_VAR | Task work variance is the difference between baseline work of a task and the currently scheduled work. | |
TaskCVP | Contains the task cost variance percentage. | |
TaskSVP | Contains the task schedule variance percentage. | |
TB_COST | Task baseline cost is the total planned cost for a task as of a status date. | |
TB_DUR | Task baseline duration is the original span of time planned to complete a task. | |
TB_DUR_FMT | Task baseline duration format indicates the display format of the baseline duration value, and whether the baseline duration is considered only an estimate rather than a firm value. | |
TB_FINISH | Task baseline finish is the planned completion date for a task at the time you saved a baseline. | |
TB_START | Task baseline start is the planned beginning date for a task at the time you saved a baseline. | |
TB_WORK | Baseline work is the originally planned amount of work to be performed by all resources assigned to a task. | |
WOBJ_DOC_REF_CNT | This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. | |
WOBJ_ISSUE_REF_CNT | This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. | |
WOBJ_OTHER_REF_CNT | This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. | |
WOBJ_RISK_REF_CNT | This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
Name | Description | |
AcceptChanges | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
BeginEdit | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
CancelEdit | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
ClearErrors | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Delete | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
EndEdit | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Equals | (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetChildRows(String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetChildRows(DataRelation) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetChildRows(String, DataRowVersion) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetChildRows(DataRelation, DataRowVersion) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetColumnError(Int32) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetColumnError(String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetColumnError(DataColumn) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetColumnsInError | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetHashCode | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetParentRow(String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetParentRow(DataRelation) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetParentRow(String, DataRowVersion) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetParentRow(DataRelation, DataRowVersion) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetParentRows(String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetParentRows(DataRelation) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetParentRows(String, DataRowVersion) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetParentRows(DataRelation, DataRowVersion) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetType | (Inherited from Object.) | |
HasVersion | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
IsAddAfterTaskUIDNull | This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Determines whether the TASK_DUR property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsAddPositionNull | Determines whether the AddPosition property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsCREATED_DATENull | Determines whether the CREATED_DATE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsDurationTypeNull | Determines whether the DurationType property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsMOD_DATENull | Determines whether the MOD_DATE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsNull(Int32) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
IsNull(String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
IsNull(DataColumn) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
IsNull(DataColumn, DataRowVersion) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
IsPROJ_NAMENull | Determines whether the PROJ_NAME property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsPROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_DIGITSNull | Determines whether the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_DIGITS property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsPROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_POSITIONNull | Determines whether the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_POSITION property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsPROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_SYMBOLNull | Determines whether the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsPROJ_TYPENull | Determines whether the PROJ_TYPE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsStatusManagerNull | Determines whether the StatusManager property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_ACT_COSTNull | Determines whether the TASK_ACT_COST property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_ACT_DURNull | Determines whether the TASK_ACT_DUR property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_ACT_FINISHNull | Determines whether the TASK_ACT_FINISH property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_ACT_OVT_COSTNull | Determines whether the TASK_ACT_OVT_COST property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_ACT_OVT_WORKNull | Determines whether the TASK_ACT_OVT_WORK property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_ACT_STARTNull | Determines whether the TASK_ACT_START property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_ACT_WORKNull | Determines whether the TASK_ACT_WORK property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_ACWPNull | Determines whether the TASK_ACWP property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_BCWPNull | Determines whether the TASK_BCWP property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_BCWSNull | Determines whether the TASK_BCWS property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_BUDGET_COSTNull | Determines whether the TASK_BUDGET_COST property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_BUDGET_WORKNull | Determines whether the TASK_BUDGET_WORK property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_CAL_UIDNull | Determines whether the TASK_CAL_UID property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_COMPLETE_THROUGHNull | Determines whether the TASK_COMPLETE_THROUGH property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_CONSTRAINT_DATENull | Determines whether the TASK_CONSTRAINT_DATE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_CONSTRAINT_TYPENull | Determines whether the TASK_CONSTRAINT_TYPE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_CONTACTNull | Determines whether the TASK_CONTACT property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_COST_VARNull | Determines whether the TASK_COST_VAR property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_COSTNull | Determines whether the TASK_COST property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_CPINull | Determines whether the TASK_CPI property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_CVNull | Determines whether the TASK_CV property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_DEADLINENull | Determines whether the TASK_DEADLINE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_DUR_FMTNull | Determines whether the TASK_DUR_FMT property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_DUR_IS_ESTNull | Determines whether the TASK_DUR_IS_EST property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_DUR_TXTNull | Determines whether the TASK_DUR_TXT property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_DUR_VARNull | Determines whether the TASK_DUR_VAR property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_DURNull | Determines whether the TASK_DUR property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_EACNull | Determines whether the TASK_EAC property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_EARLY_FINISHNull | Determines whether the TASK_EARLY_FINISH property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_EARLY_STARTNull | Determines whether the TASK_EARLY_START property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_EVMETHODNull | Determines whether the TASK_EVMETHOD property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_EXT_PROJ_UIDNull | Determines whether the TASK_EXT_PROJ_UID property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_FINISH_DATENull | Determines whether the TASK_FINISH_DATE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_FINISH_SLACKNull | Determines whether the TASK_FINISH_SLACK property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_FINISH_TXTNull | Determines whether the TASK_FINISH_TXT property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_FINISH_VARNull | Determines whether the TASK_FINISH_VAR property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_FIXED_COST_ACCRUALNull | Determines whether the TASK_FIXED_COST_ACCRUAL property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_FIXED_COSTNull | Determines whether the TASK_FIXED_COST property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_FREE_SLACKNull | Determines whether the TASK_FREE_SLACK property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_HAS_LINKED_FIELDSNull | Determines whether the TASK_HAS_LINKED_FIELDS property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_HYPERLINK_ADDRESSNull | Determines whether the TASK_HYPERLINK_ADDRESS property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_HYPERLINK_FRIENDLY_NAMENull | Determines whether the TASK_HYPERLINK_FRIENDLY_NAME property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESSNull | Determines whether the TASK_DUR property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_IDNull | Determines whether the TASK_ID property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_IGNORES_RES_CALNull | Determines whether the TASK_IGNORES_RES_CAL property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_IS_ACTIVENull | Determines whether the TASK_IS_ACTIVE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_IS_CRITICALNull | Determines whether the TASK_IS_CRITICAL property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_IS_DISPSUMMARYNull | Determines whether the TASK_IS_DISPSUMMARY property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_IS_EFFORT_DRIVENNull | Determines whether the TASK_IS_EFFORT_DRIVEN property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_IS_EXTERNALNull | Determines whether the TASK_IS_EXTERNAL property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_IS_FROM_FINISH_SUBPROJNull | Determines whether the TASK_IS_FROM_FINISH_SUBPROJ property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_IS_MANUALNull | Determines whether the TASK_IS_MANUAL property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_IS_MARKEDNull | Determines whether the TASK_IS_MARKED property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_IS_MILESTONENull | Determines whether the TASK_IS_MILESTONE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_IS_NULLNull | Determines whether the TASK_IS_NULL property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_IS_OVERALLOCATEDNull | Determines whether the TASK_IS_OVERALLOCATED property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_IS_READONLY_SUBPROJNull | Determines whether the TASK_IS_READONLY_SUBPROJ property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_IS_RECURRING_SUMMARYNull | Determines whether the TASK_IS_RECURRING_SUMMARY property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_IS_RECURRINGNull | Determines whether the TASK_IS_RECURRING property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_IS_ROLLED_UPNull | Determines whether the TASK_IS_ROLLED_UP property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_IS_SUBPROJNull | Determines whether the TASK_IS_SUBPROJ property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_IS_SUMMARYNull | Determines whether the TASK_IS_SUMMARY property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_LATE_FINISHNull | Determines whether the TASK_LATE_FINISH property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_LATE_STARTNull | Determines whether the TASK_LATE_START property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_LEVELING_ADJUSTS_ASSNNull | Determines whether the TASK_LEVELING_ADJUSTS_ASSN property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_LEVELING_CAN_SPLITNull | Determines whether the TASK_LEVELING_CAN_SPLIT property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_LEVELING_DELAY_FMTNull | Determines whether the TASK_LEVELING_DELAY_FMT property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_LEVELING_DELAYNull | Determines whether the TASK_LEVELING_DELAY property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_NAMENull | Determines whether the TASK_NAME property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_NOTESNull | Determines whether the TASK_NOTES property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_OUTLINE_LEVELNull | Determines whether the TASK_OUTLINE_LEVEL property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_OUTLINE_NUMNull | Determines whether the TASK_OUTLINE_NUM property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_OVT_COSTNull | Determines whether the TASK_OVT_COST property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_OVT_WORKNull | Determines whether the TASK_OVT_WORK property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_PARENT_UIDNull | Determines whether the TASK_PARENT_UID property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_PCT_COMPNull | Determines whether the TASK_PCT_COMP property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_PCT_WORK_COMPNull | Determines whether the TASK_PCT_WORK_COMP property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_PHY_PCT_COMPNull | Determines whether the TASK_PHY_PCT_COMP property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_PRELEVELED_FINISHNull | Determines whether the TASK_PRELEVELED_FINISH property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_PRELEVELED_STARTNull | Determines whether the TASK_PRELEVELED_START property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_PRIORITYNull | Determines whether the TASK_PRIORITY property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_REG_WORKNull | Determines whether the TASK_REG_WORK property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_REM_COSTNull | Determines whether the TASK_REM_COST property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_REM_DURNull | Determines whether the TASK_REM_DUR property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_REM_OVT_COSTNull | Determines whether the TASK_REM_OVT_COST property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_REM_OVT_WORKNull | Determines whether the TASK_REM_OVT_WORK property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_REM_WORKNull | Determines whether the TASK_REM_WORK property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_RESUME_DATENull | Determines whether the TASK_RESUME_DATE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_SCHED_DUR_FMTNull | Determines whether the TASK_SCHED_DUR_FMT property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_SCHED_DURNull | Determines whether the TASK_SCHED_DUR property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_SCHED_FINISHNull | Determines whether the TASK_SCHED_FINISH property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_SCHED_STARTNull | Determines whether the TASK_SCHED_START property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_SPINull | Determines whether the TASK_SPIN() property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_START_DATENull | Determines whether the TASK_START_DATE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_START_SLACKNull | Determines whether the TASK_START_SLACK property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_START_TXTNull | Determines whether the TASK_START_TXT property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_START_VARNull | Determines whether the TASK_START_VAR property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_STOP_DATENull | Determines whether the TASK_STOP_DATE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_SVNull | Determines whether the TASK_SV property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_TCPINull | Determines whether the TASK_TCPI property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_TOTAL_SLACKNull | Determines whether the TASK_TOTAL_SLACK property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_TYPENull | Determines whether the TASK_TYPE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_VACNull | Determines whether the TASK_VAC property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_WBSNull | Determines whether the TASK_WBS property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_WORK_VARNull | Determines whether the TASK_WORK_VAR property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTASK_WORKNull | Determines whether the TASK_WORK property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTaskCVPNull | Determines whether the TaskCVP property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTaskSVPNull | Determines whether the TaskSVP property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTB_COSTNull | Determines whether the TB_COST property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTB_DUR_FMTNull | Determines whether the TB_DUR_FMT property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTB_DURNull | Determines whether the TB_DUR property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTB_FINISHNull | Determines whether the TB_FINISH property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTB_STARTNull | Determines whether the TB_START property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsTB_WORKNull | Determines whether the TB_WORK property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsWOBJ_DOC_REF_CNTNull | Determines whether the WOBJ_DOC_REF_CNT property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsWOBJ_ISSUE_REF_CNTNull | Determines whether the WOBJ_ISSUE_REF_CNT property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsWOBJ_OTHER_REF_CNTNull | Determines whether the WOBJ_OTHER_REF_CNT property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
IsWOBJ_RISK_REF_CNTNull | Determines whether the WOBJ_RISK_REF_CNT property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
MemberwiseClone | (Inherited from Object.) | |
RejectChanges | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetAddAfterTaskUIDNull | Sets the AddAfterTaskUID property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetAdded | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetAddPositionNull | Sets the AddPosition property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetColumnError(Int32, String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetColumnError(String, String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetColumnError(DataColumn, String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetCREATED_DATENull | Sets the CREATED_DATE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetDurationTypeNull | Sets the DurationType property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetMOD_DATENull | Sets the MOD_DATE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetModified | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetNull | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetParentRow(DataRow) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetParentRow(DataRow, DataRelation) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetPROJ_NAMENull | Sets the PROJ_NAME property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetPROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_DIGITSNull | Sets the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_DIGITS property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetPROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_POSITIONNull | Sets the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_POSITION property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetPROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_SYMBOLNull | Sets the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetPROJ_TYPENull | Sets the PROJ_TYPE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetStatusManagerNull | Sets the StatusManager property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_ACT_COSTNull | Sets the TASK_ACT_COST property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_ACT_DURNull | Sets the TASK_ACT_DUR property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_ACT_FINISHNull | Sets the TASK_ACT_FINISH property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_ACT_OVT_COSTNull | Sets the TASK_ACT_OVT_COST property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_ACT_OVT_WORKNull | Sets the TASK_ACT_OVT_WORK property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_ACT_STARTNull | Sets the TASK_ACT_START property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_ACT_WORKNull | Sets the TASK_ACT_WORK property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_ACWPNull | Sets the TASK_ACWP property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_BCWPNull | Sets the TASK_BCWP property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_BCWSNull | Sets the TASK_BCWS property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_BUDGET_COSTNull | Sets the TASK_BUDGET_COST property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_BUDGET_WORKNull | Sets the TASK_BUDGET_WORK property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_CAL_UIDNull | Sets the TASK_CAL_UID property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_COMPLETE_THROUGHNull | Sets the TASK_COMPLETE_THROUGH property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_CONSTRAINT_DATENull | Sets the TASK_CONSTRAINT_DATE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_CONSTRAINT_TYPENull | Sets the TASK_CONSTRAINT_TYPE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_CONTACTNull | Sets the TASK_CONTACT property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_COST_VARNull | Sets the TASK_COST_VAR property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_COSTNull | Sets the TASK_COST property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_CPINull | Sets the TASK_CPI property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_CVNull | Sets the TASK_CV property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_DEADLINENull | Sets the TASK_DEADLINE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_DUR_FMTNull | Sets the TASK_DUR_FMT property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_DUR_IS_ESTNull | Sets the TASK_DUR_IS_EST property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_DUR_TXTNull | Sets the TASK_DUR_TXT property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_DUR_VARNull | Sets the TASK_DUR_VAR property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_DURNull | Sets the TASK_DUR property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_EACNull | Sets the TASK_EAC property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_EARLY_FINISHNull | Sets the TASK_EARLY_FINISH property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_EARLY_STARTNull | Sets the TASK_EARLY_START property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_EVMETHODNull | Sets the TASK_EVMETHOD property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_EXT_PROJ_UIDNull | Sets the TASK_EXT_PROJ_UID property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_FINISH_DATENull | Sets the TASK_FINISH_DATE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_FINISH_SLACKNull | Sets the TASK_FINISH_SLACK property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_FINISH_TXTNull | Sets the TASK_FINISH_TXT property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_FINISH_VARNull | Sets the TASK_FINISH_VAR property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_FIXED_COST_ACCRUALNull | Sets the TASK_FIXED_COST_ACCRUAL property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_FIXED_COSTNull | Sets the TASK_FIXED_COST property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_FREE_SLACKNull | Sets the TASK_FREE_SLACK property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_HAS_LINKED_FIELDSNull | Sets the TASK_HAS_LINKED_FIELDS property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_HYPERLINK_ADDRESSNull | Sets the TASK_HYPERLINK_ADDRESS property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_HYPERLINK_FRIENDLY_NAMENull | Sets the TASK_HYPERLINK_FRIENDLY_NAME property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESSNull | Sets the TASK_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESS property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_IDNull | Sets the TASK_ID property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_IGNORES_RES_CALNull | Sets the TASK_IGNORES_RES_CAL property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_IS_ACTIVENull | Sets the TASK_IS_ACTIVE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_IS_CRITICALNull | Sets the TASK_IS_CRITICAL property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_IS_DISPSUMMARYNull | Sets the TASK_IS_DISPSUMMARY property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_IS_EFFORT_DRIVENNull | Sets the TASK_IS_EFFORT_DRIVEN property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_IS_EXTERNALNull | Sets the TASK_IS_EXTERNAL property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_IS_FROM_FINISH_SUBPROJNull | Sets the TASK_IS_FROM_FINISH_SUBPROJ property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_IS_MANUALNull | Sets the TASK_IS_MANUAL property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_IS_MARKEDNull | Sets the TASK_IS_MARKED property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_IS_MILESTONENull | Sets the TASK_IS_MILESTONE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_IS_NULLNull | Sets the TASK_IS_NULL property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_IS_OVERALLOCATEDNull | Sets the TASK_IS_OVERALLOCATED property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_IS_READONLY_SUBPROJNull | Sets the TASK_IS_READONLY_SUBPROJ property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_IS_RECURRING_SUMMARYNull | Sets the TASK_IS_RECURRING_SUMMARY property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_IS_RECURRINGNull | Sets the TASK_IS_RECURRING property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_IS_ROLLED_UPNull | Sets the TASK_IS_ROLLED_UP property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_IS_SUBPROJNull | Sets the TASK_IS_SUBPROJ property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_IS_SUMMARYNull | Sets the TASK_IS_SUMMARY property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_LATE_FINISHNull | Sets the TASK_LATE_FINISH property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_LATE_STARTNull | Sets the TASK_LATE_START property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_LEVELING_ADJUSTS_ASSNNull | Sets the TASK_LEVELING_ADJUSTS_ASSN property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_LEVELING_CAN_SPLITNull | Sets the TASK_LEVELING_CAN_SPLIT property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_LEVELING_DELAY_FMTNull | Sets the TASK_LEVELING_DELAY_FMT property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_LEVELING_DELAYNull | Sets the TASK_LEVELING_DELAY property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_NAMENull | Sets the TASK_NAME property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_NOTESNull | Sets the TASK_NOTES property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_OUTLINE_LEVELNull | Sets the TASK_OUTLINE_LEVEL property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_OUTLINE_NUMNull | Sets the TASK_OUTLINE_NUM property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_OVT_COSTNull | Sets the TASK_OVT_COST property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_OVT_WORKNull | Sets the TASK_OVT_WORK property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_PARENT_UIDNull | Sets the TASK_PARENT_UID property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_PCT_COMPNull | Sets the TASK_PCT_COMP property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_PCT_WORK_COMPNull | Sets the TASK_PCT_WORK_COMP property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_PHY_PCT_COMPNull | Sets the TASK_PSY_PCT_COMP() property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_PRELEVELED_FINISHNull | Sets the TASK_PRELEVELED_FINISH property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_PRELEVELED_STARTNull | Sets the TASK_PRELEVELED_START property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_PRIORITYNull | Sets the TASK_PRIORITY property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_REG_WORKNull | Sets the TASK_REG_WORK property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_REM_COSTNull | Sets the TASK_REM_COST property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_REM_DURNull | Sets the TASK_REM_DUR property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_REM_OVT_COSTNull | Sets the TASK_REM_OVT_COST property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_REM_OVT_WORKNull | Sets the TASK_REM_OVT_WORK property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_REM_WORKNull | Sets the TASK_REM_WORK property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_RESUME_DATENull | Sets the TASK_RESUME_DATE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_SCHED_DUR_FMTNull | Sets the TASK_SCHED_DUR_FMT property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_SCHED_DURNull | Sets the TASK_SCHED_DUR property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_SCHED_FINISHNull | Sets the TASK_SCHED_FINISH property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_SCHED_STARTNull | Sets the TASK_SCHED_START property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_SPINull | Sets the TASK_SPI property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_START_DATENull | Sets the TASK_START_DATE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_START_SLACKNull | Sets the TASK_START_SLACK property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_START_TXTNull | Sets the TASK_START_TXT property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_START_VARNull | Sets the TASK_START_VAR property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_STOP_DATENull | Sets the TASK_STOP_DATE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_SVNull | Sets the TASK_SV property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_TCPINull | Sets the TASK_TCPI property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_TOTAL_SLACKNull | Sets the TASK_TOTAL_SLACK property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_TYPENull | Sets the TASK_TYPE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_VACNull | Sets the TASK_VAC property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_WBSNull | Sets the TASK_WBS property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_WORK_VARNull | Sets the TASK_WORK_VAR property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTASK_WORKNull | Sets the TASK_WORK property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTaskCVPNull | Sets the TaskCVP property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTaskSVPNull | Sets the TaskSVP property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTB_COSTNull | Sets the TB_COST property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTB_DUR_FMTNull | Sets the TB_DUR_FMT property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTB_DURNull | Sets the TB_DUR property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTB_FINISHNull | Sets the TB_FINISH property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTB_STARTNull | Sets the TB_START property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetTB_WORKNull | Sets the TB_WORK property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetWOBJ_DOC_REF_CNTNull | Sets the WOBJ_DOC_REF_CNT property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetWOBJ_ISSUE_REF_CNTNull | Sets the WOBJ_ISSUE_REF_CNT property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetWOBJ_OTHER_REF_CNTNull | Sets the WOBJ_OTHER_REF_CNT property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
SetWOBJ_RISK_REF_CNTNull | Sets the WOBJ_RISK_REF_CNT property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value. | |
ToString | (Inherited from Object.) |