Admin members
Includes methods for managing administrative settings and operations in Project Server and related Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 sites.
The Admin type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Admin | Creates an Admin object from the ASMX-based Admin web service. |
Name | Description | |
Abort | (Inherited from WebClientProtocol.) | |
BeginInvoke | (Inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol.) | |
CancelAsync | (Inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol.) | |
CreateObjRef | (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.) | |
Discover | (Inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol.) | |
Dispose() | (Inherited from Component.) | |
Dispose(Boolean) | (Inherited from Component.) | |
EnableCaching | Reserved for internal use. Activates or deactivates caching in the middle tier. | |
EndInvoke | (Inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol.) | |
Equals | (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize | (Inherited from Component.) | |
GetActiveDirectorySyncEnterpriseResourcePoolSettings | Reads the settings for synchronizing the Enterprise Resource Pool with Active Directory directory services. | |
GetActiveDirectorySyncEnterpriseResourcePoolSettings2 | Reads the settings for synchronizing the Enterprise Resource Pool with Active Directory directory services. | |
GetActiveDirectorySyncGroupSettings | Reads the settings for synchronizing Project Server groups with Active Directory groups. | |
GetADSyncReplacementCharacter | Reads the character that replaces commas in resource names during Active Directory synchronization. | |
GetCompatibilityMode | Obsolete in Project Server 2013. | |
GetDatabaseTimeout | Reads the SQL timeout setting for the Project Server core databases, in seconds. | |
GetHashCode | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetLifetimeService | (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.) | |
GetProjectProfessionalMinimumBuildNumbers | Reads the minimum Project Professional version number that can connect to Project Server. | |
GetReaderForMessage | (Inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol.) | |
GetServerCurrency | Reads the currency setting for Project Server. | |
GetService | (Inherited from Component.) | |
GetSingleCurrencyEnforced | Reads the value of the setting for enforcing a single currency. | |
GetType | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetWebRequest | (Inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol.) | |
GetWebResponse(WebRequest) | (Inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol.) | |
GetWebResponse(WebRequest, IAsyncResult) | (Inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol.) | |
GetWriterForMessage | (Inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol.) | |
InitializeLifetimeService | (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.) | |
Invoke | (Inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol.) | |
InvokeAsync(String, [], SendOrPostCallback) | (Inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol.) | |
InvokeAsync(String, [], SendOrPostCallback, Object) | (Inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol.) | |
IsCachingEnabled | Reserved for internal use. Gets the current status of caching in the middle tier. | |
ListInstalledLanguages | Reads the list of installed languages. | |
MemberwiseClone() | (Inherited from Object.) | |
MemberwiseClone(Boolean) | (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.) | |
PurgeTimesheetAuditLog | Purges the timesheet audit log. | |
QueueADSyncJob | Runs Active Directory synchronization with the Enterprise Resource Pool. | |
QueueApplyResourceCapacityTimeRange | Puts a message on the project queue to apply the resource capacity time range in the Reporting database. | |
ReadAllDefinedFiscalYears | Reads the start dates and finish dates of the defined fiscal years. | |
ReadDepartments | Reads the list of departments that are defined in a Project Web App instance. | |
ReadDepartmentsByEntity | Reads the list of departments in Project Server for the specified entity. | |
ReadFiscalPeriods | Reads the fiscal period names, start dates, end dates, and quarters that are defined for the specified fiscal year. | |
ReadLineClasses | Reads all timesheet line class names, according to the specified type and state of the timesheet line. | |
ReadPeriods | Reads information about timesheet periods of the specified state. | |
ReadPeriodsWithUnsubmittedTimesheet | Reads a list of all unsubmitted timesheets for the specified periods. | |
ReadServerVersion | Reads the Project Server version major, minor, build, and revision numbers. | |
ReadStatusingSettings | Reads the administration settings that are used for statusing operations. | |
ReadTimesheetAuditLog | Reads the timesheet audit log transactions that occur during the specified audit and timesheet period time spans. | |
ReadTimesheetManagers | Reads the configured timesheet managers list. | |
ReadTimeSheetSettings | Reads the current settings for timesheets. | |
SetActiveDirectorySyncEnterpriseResourcePoolSettings | Updates the Enterprise Resource Pool settings. | |
SetActiveDirectorySyncEnterpriseResourcePoolSettings2 | Updates the enterprise resource pool settings. | |
SetActiveDirectorySyncGroupSettings | Updates security group settings with Active Directory information. | |
SetADSyncReplacementCharacter | Sets the character that replaces commas in resource names during Active Directory synchronization. | |
SetCompatibilityMode | Obsolete in Project Server 2013. | |
SetDatabaseTimeout | Sets the SQL timeout for the Project Server core databases, in seconds. | |
SetNotificationAdminInfoNoResult | Sets the data that is necessary for notifications to be sent by email message. | |
SetProjectProfessionalMinimumBuildNumbers | Sets the minimum Project Professional version number that can connect to Project Server. | |
SetServerCurrency | Sets the currency for Project Server. | |
SetSingleCurrencyEnforced | Sets enforcement of a single currency for Project Server. | |
ToString | (Inherited from Component.) | |
UpdateLineClasses | Updates classes for timesheet lines. | |
UpdateReportingPeriods | Updates the timesheet reporting periods. | |
UpdateStatusingSettings | Updates administrative settings for statusing. | |
UpdateTimesheetManagers | Updates the configured timesheet managers list. | |
UpdateTimeSheetSettings | Updates the timesheet settings. | |
UpdateUserSyncSetting | Updates the setting for user synchronization with Project Web App, project sites, and email. |
Name | Description | |
Disposed | (Inherited from Component.) |