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Delete a collection of Device Update configuration settings in Lync Server 2013


Topic Last Modified: 2013-02-20

Device update configuration settings can also be deleted by using Windows PowerShell and the Remove-CsdeviceUpdateConfiguration cmdlet. This cmdlet can be run either from the Lync Server 2013 Management Shell or from a remote session of Windows PowerShell. For details about using remote Windows PowerShell to connect to Lync Server, see the Lync Server Windows PowerShell blog article "Quick Start: Managing Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Using Remote PowerShell" at

To remove a specific collection of device update configuration settings

  • This command deletes the device update configuration settings applied to the Redmond site:

    Remove-CsDeviceUpdateConfiguration -Identity "site:Redmond"

To remove all the device update configuration settings applied to the site scope

  • This command deletes all the device update configuration settings applied to the site scope:

    Get-CsDeviceUpdateConfiguration -Filter "site:*" | Remove-CsDeviceUpdateConfiguration

To remove device update configuration settings based on the value of the LogCleanUpInterval property

  • The following command deletes all the device update configuration settings where the log cleanup interval is greater than 10 days (10.00:00:00):

    Get-CsDeviceUpdateConfiguration | Where-Object {$_.LogCleanUpInterval -gt "10.00:00:00" | Remove-CsDeviceUpdateConfiguration

For details, see the Help topic for the Remove-CsDeviceUpdateConfiguration cmdlet.