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Microsoft.SharePoint Namespace

Provides types and members for working with a top-level site and its subsites or lists.


  Class Description
NameValuePair Defines a name/value pair that can be set or retrieved.
RecordsRepositoryProperty A structure which represents properties of the records repository. The structure consists of four strings which include the name of the object, the value, the type of the object, and any other information.
SPAlert Represents an alert, which generates periodic e-mail notifications sent to a user about the list, list item, document, or document library to which the alert applies. SPAlert provides information about the alert, such as which alert template is used, the alert frequency, and the UserID of the user who created the alert.
SPAlertCollection Represents a collection of SPAlert objects. The SPAlertCollection is available as a property of either SPWeb or SPUser.
SPAlertTemplate Defines the template used for an alert.
SPAlertTemplateCollection Represents a collection of alert templates.
SPAttachmentCollection Represents the collection of attachments for a list item.
SPAudit Enables auditing of how site collections, sites, lists, folders, and list items are accessed, changed, and used.
SPAuditEntry Contains information about an audited event that is connected to a site collection, site, folder, list, or list item.
SPAuditEntryCollection Provides a container for SPAuditEntry objects.
SPAuditQuery Defines a query of the audit entries of the SharePoint database.
SPBaseCollection Infrastructure. Provides the base functionality for collections in the Microsoft.SharePoint and Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration namespaces.
SPBuiltInContentTypeId A class that retrieves SPContentTypeId objects that represent identifiers (IDs) for built-in content types.
SPBuiltInFieldId A class that retrieves the values of preset (or noncustom) document fields, which in turn are obtained from Windows SharePoint Services Web page documents that have been checked into the document library. Many document types such as e-mail messages, e-mail contacts, workflow events, and other objects can be represented by these fields.
SPCalendarViewStyle Represents a day, week, or month view style for a calendar.
SPCalendarViewStyleCollection Represents a collection of SPCalendarViewStyle objects.
SPChange Represents a change that has been made to objects or metadata within an item, list, Web site, or site collection scope, or a security policy change at the Web application scope that has been recorded in the Windows SharePoint Services change log.
SPChangeAlert Represents a change to an alert.
SPChangeCollection Represents a collection of SPChange objects. The maximum number of changes that can be represented in a collection is 1000.
SPChangeContentType Represents a change to a content type.
SPChangeField Represents a change to a site column.
SPChangeFile Represents a change to a file that is outside a list or to an attachment.
SPChangeFolder Represents a change to a folder.
SPChangeGroup Represents a change to a group.
SPChangeItem Represents a change to an item.
SPChangeList Represents a change to a list.
SPChangeQuery Defines a query that is performed against the change log in Windows SharePoint Services.
SPChangeSecurityPolicy Represents a change to a security policy.
SPChangeSite Represents a change to a site collection.
SPChangeToken Represents the unique sequential location of a change within the change log.
SPChangeTokenCollection Represents a collection of SPChangeToken objects.
SPChangeUser Represents a change to a user.
SPChangeView Represents a change to a view.
SPChangeWeb Represents a change to a Web site.
SPCheckedOutFile Represents a checked-out file in a document library or workspace.
SPContentType Represents a site or list content type.
SPContentTypeCollection Represents a collection of site or list content types.
SPContentTypeReadOnlyException Represents an exception in Windows SharePoint Services.
SPContentTypeSealedException Represents an exception in Windows SharePoint Services.
SPContentTypeUsage Used to track where a content type is used as the basis for another content type.
SPContext Represents the context of an HTTP request in Windows SharePoint Services.
SPCopyDestination Represents a copy destination for a document on a SharePoint Web site.
SPCopyDestinationCollection Represents a collection of SPCopyDestination objects.
SPCopyFieldInformation Represents type information that is associated with fields being copied across servers.
SPCopyFieldMask Represents a field mask for a copied item.
SPCustomWebTemplate Represents a custom site template.
SPDailySchedule Represents a daily schedule for a job definition.
SPDataRetrievalServicesSettings Obsolete. Use the SPDataRetrievalProvider class to access the data-retrieval service settings for a Web application instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the SPDataRetrievalServucesSettings class represented the data-retrieval service settings that are used on a virtual server.)
SPDistributionGroupException Represents an en exception that occurs while performing an operation on a distribution list for a group.
SPDistributionGroupJobData Holds information about an asynchronous Directory Management Service request.
SPDocDiscussion Represents all the discussions associated with a single document that has been discussed in a document library.
SPDocDiscussionCollection Represents the collection of SPDocDiscussion objects associated with documents in a specific document library.
SPDocTemplate Represents a document template used in a document library.
SPDocTemplateCollection Represents a collection of document templates.
SPDocumentLibrary Represents a document library in Windows SharePoint Services.
SPEmailEventReceiver Provides a method for trapping the event when a list receives an e-mail message.
SPEncodedResourceExpressionBuilder Represents an expression builder for returning an encoded resource.
SPEvaluatorModeProvisioner Represents a provisioner for creating the default site and content in stand-alone installations of Windows SharePoint Services.
SPEvaluatorModeProvisioning Represents the class that implements evaluator mode provisioning for stand-alone installations of Windows SharePoint Services.
SPEventContext Represents an Event Context in a list of receiver processes on a Windows SharePoint Services Web site.
SPEventPropertiesBase Base class that provides the event properties that are common to all event types. This class is never instantiated.
SPEventReceiverBase Base class that provides methods for event receivers in the Windows SharePoint Services object model. This class is never instantiated.
SPEventReceiverDefinition Abstract base class that defines general properties of an event receiver that will reside in the SPEventReceiverDefinitionCollection.
SPEventReceiverDefinitionCollection Represents a collection of SPEventReceiverDefinition objects that are used to enumerate the list of registered event receivers for Windows SharePoint Services objects that can have events.
SPException Represents an exception in Windows SharePoint Services.
SPExecutingConversionRequest Conveys the context of a document conversion.
SPExternalBinaryId Provides the means to retrieve ID values that allow you to retrieve files that are stored in an External BLOB Store.
SPExternalBinaryIdCollection A collection of BinaryID values provides using an SPExternalBinaryId object, and that correspond with binary files stored in an External BLOB Store.
SPFeature Represents the state of a feature at its corresponding scope.
SPFeatureCollection Represents a collection of SPFeature objects.
SPFeatureDependency Represents a Feature that is depended upon by another Feature.
SPFeatureDependencyCollection Represents a collection of Features that are depended upon by another Feature.
SPFeatureProperty Represents a single Feature property.
SPFeaturePropertyCollection Represents a collection of SPFeatureProperty objects.
SPFeatureReceiver Base abstract class that can be overridden to trap the activation, deactivation, installation, or uninstallation of a Feature.
SPFeatureReceiverProperties Represents the properties of a Feature installation, uninstallation, activation, or deactivation event.
SPField Represents a field in a list on a Windows SharePoint Services Web site.
SPFieldAllDayEvent Represents a Boolean field that specifies an all-day activity without a start or end time.
SPFieldAttachments Represents a field that contains attachments.
SPFieldBoolean Represents a Boolean field type.
SPFieldCalculated Represents a calculated field in a list.
SPFieldChoice Represents a choice field.
SPFieldCollection Represents a collection of SPField objects.
SPFieldComputed Represents a computed field, which is a field that depends on another field for its contents.
SPFieldCrossProjectLink Represents a field that is used to connect a list event with a Meeting Workspace site.
SPFieldCurrency Represents a field that contains currency values.
SPFieldDateTime Represents a field that contains date and time values.
SPFieldFile Represents a field that contains a file.
SPFieldLink Represents a single column (also known as field) reference that is included in a content type.
SPFieldLinkCollection Represents the collection of column or field references in a content type.
SPFieldLookup Represents a lookup field.
SPFieldLookupValue Contains the value for an SPFieldLookup object.
SPFieldLookupValueCollection Contains the values for an SPFieldLookup object that can contain multiple values.
SPFieldModStat Represents a field that contains content approval status.
SPFieldMultiChoice Represents a choice field that allows multiple values.
SPFieldMultiChoiceValue Contains the value for an SPFieldLookup object.
SPFieldMultiColumn Represents a multicolumn field type.
SPFieldMultiColumnValue Contains the value for an SPFieldMultiColumn object.
SPFieldMultiLineText Represents a text field that can contain multiple lines.
SPFieldNumber Represents a field that contains numbers.
SPFieldPageSeparator Represents a field that is used to insert a page break in a survey list.
SPFieldRatingScale Represents a rating scale field that is used in surveys.
SPFieldRatingScaleValue Contains the value for an SPFieldRatingScale object.
SPFieldRecurrence Represents a field that contains a recurrence pattern in a Calendar list.
SPFieldText Represents a field that contains a single line of text.
SPFieldTypeDefinition Represents a field type definition.
SPFieldTypeDefinitionCollection Represents a collection of SPFieldTypeDefinition objects.
SPFieldUrl Represents a field that contains URL values.
SPFieldUrlValue Contains the value for an SPFieldUrl object.
SPFieldUser Represents a user field.
SPFieldUserValue Contains the value for an SPFieldUser object.
SPFieldUserValueCollection Contains the values for an SPFieldUser object that can contain multiple values.
SPFieldValidationException Represents an exception that is thrown when an error occurs during field value validation.
SPFieldWorkflowStatus Represents a workflow status field.
SPFile Represents a file in a SharePoint Web site that can be a Web Part Page, an item in a document library, or a file in a folder.
SPFileCollection Represents a collection of SPFile objects.
SPFileStream Exposes a Stream object around a SharePoint file.
SPFileVersion Represents a version of an SPFile object.
SPFileVersionCollection Represents a collection of SPFileVersion objects.
SPFolder Represents a folder on a SharePoint Web site.
SPFolderCollection Represents a collection of SPFolder objects.
SPForm Represents a form creating, displaying, or editing a list item in a list.
SPFormCollection Represents a collection of SPForm objects.
SPFormContext Provides information about the context that is specific to a list item form.
SPGroup Represents a group on a Windows SharePoint Services Web site.
SPGroupCollection Represents a collection of SPGroup objects.
SPHourlySchedule Represents an hourly schedule for a job definition.
SPHtmlEncodedResourceExpressionBuilder Represents an expression builder for returning an HTML-encoded resource string.
SPInvalidPropertyException Represents an exception that is thrown for invalid properties in a property bag.
SPIssueList Represents an issues list.
SPItem Abstract base class that constitutes the data transport item upon which forms operate.
SPItemEventDataCollection Holds the properties of an item in state, which can be the current properties of the item (for Before events), properties that the item will have (for updating events), or changed properties of the item (for After events).
SPItemEventProperties Contains properties for asynchronous list item event handlers, and serves as a base class for Before synchronous event handlers.
SPItemEventReceiver Provides methods for trapping events that occur to items. This class is never instantiated.
SPLanguage Represents a natural language used within the context of Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services.
SPLanguageCollection Represents a collection of SPLanguage objects.
SPLink Describes a link to or from a document or regular list item.
SPLinkCollection Represents a collection of Microsoft.SharePoint.SPLink objects.
SPList Represents a list on a SharePoint Web site.
SPListCollection Represents a collection of SPList objects.
SPListEvent Represents an event that occurs within a document library. This class is maintained for backward-compatibility with event handling in Windows SharePoint Services 2.0.
SPListEventProperties Contains properties for list events.
SPListEventReceiver Provides methods to trap events that occur for lists. This class is never instantiated.
SPListItem Represents an item or row in a list.
SPListItemCollection Represents a collection of SPListItem objects.
SPListItemCollectionPosition Supports paging through data sets, storing the state that is required to get the next page of data for a specific view of a list.
SPListItemVersion Represents a version of a list item.
SPListItemVersionCollection Represents a collection of SPListItemVersion objects.
SPListTemplate Represents a list definition or a list template, which defines the fields and views for a list. List definitions are contained in files within \\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES, but list templates are created through the user interface or through the object model when a list is saved as a template.
SPListTemplateCollection Represents a collection of SPListTemplate objects.
SPLocale Represents the information for a locale that can be set in a SharePoint site, including the display name and locale identifier (LCID). 
SPLocaleCollection Represents a collection of SPLocale objects.
SPLocalizationCollection Defines the list of strings that represent localization countries, languages, or regions.
SPLongOperation Sets the web page image to the image used by the server to indicate a lengthy operation (typically, a rotating gear image with associated text).
SPMember Represents the base class for the SPUser and SPGroup classes.
SPMemberCollection An abstract class encapsulating the behavior of user collections and group collections.
SPMinuteSchedule Represents a minute schedule for a job definition.
SPMobileContext Provides information about the current context that is needed for interaction between mobile devices and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Web sites.
SPModerationInformation Provides information about the content approval status for an item in a list or a document library.
SPModule Represents the collection of files and views that are used in a site template.
SPModule.SPModulePropertyBag Represents metadata for a module.
SPModuleCollection Represents a collection of SPModule objects.
SPMonthlySchedule Represents a monthly schedule for a job definition.
SPOneTimeSchedule Represents a schedule that specifies the time range during which the job will run.
SPPermission Obsolete. Use the new SPRoleDefinition and SPRoleAssignment classes instead, to define roles and to assign users to them. For more information, see Changes in the Authorization Object Model. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, SPRole represented the permission assigned to a user or group for a list or a site and is maintained for backward compatibility.)
SPPermissionCollection Obsolete. Use the new SPRoleDefinition and SPRoleAssignment classes instead, to define roles and to assign users to them. For more information, see Changes in the Authorization Object Model. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, SPRole represented a collection of SPPermission objects and is maintained for backward compatibility.)
SPPermissionInfo Represents the detailed permissions and role assignments for a user at a given scope.
SPPictureLibrary Represents a document library that contains pictures.
SPPrincipal Represents a user or group that can be assigned permissions in Windows SharePoint Services to control security.
SPQuery Represents a query in a list view.
SPRecycleBinItem Represents an item in the Recycle Bin for a Web site or a site collection.
SPRecycleBinItemCollection Represents a collection of SPRecycleBinItem objects.
SPRecycleBinItemCollectionPosition Stores information about the state that is required to get the next page of data for a recycle bin view.
SPRecycleBinQuery Represents a query against the Recycle Bin.
SPRegionalSettings Represents regional settings that are used on the server that is running Windows SharePoint Services.
SPRequestContext Manages a list of references to the SPSites that are being opened for a specific request.
SPResource Infrastructure.
SPResourceExpressionBuilder Evaluates expressions during Windows SharePoint Services page parsing.
SPReusableAcl Represents an access control list (ACL) that is applied to a site collection, Web site, list, or list item.
SPRole Obsolete. Use the new SPRoleDefinition and SPRoleAssignment classes instead, to define roles and to assign users to them. For more information, see Changes in the Authorization Object Model. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, SPRole represented a site group and is maintained for backward compatibility.)
SPRoleAssignment Defines the role assignments for a user or group on the current object.
SPRoleAssignmentCollection Represents a collection of SPRoleAssignment objects that defines all the role assignments for each securable object.
SPRoleCollection Obsolete. Use the new SPRoleDefinition and SPRoleAssignment classes instead, to define roles and to assign users to them. For more information, see Changes in the Authorization Object Model. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, SPRoleCollection represented a collection of SPRole objects and is maintained for backward compatibility.)
SPRoleDefinition Defines a single role definition, including a name, description, management properties, and a set of rights.
SPRoleDefinitionBindingCollection Defines the role definitions that are bound to a role assignment object.
SPRoleDefinitionCollection Represents the collection of SPRoleDefinition objects defining the role definitions that are available for use within the Web site.
SPSchedule Abstract base class that supports the different schedule types that are used in job definitions.
SPSearchResult This class is deprecated. For Search, use the Execute method of the Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.KeywordQuery class or the Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.FullTextSqlQuery class. Represents the item returned as a result of a search performed on a list, document library, or site.
SPSearchResultCollection This method is deprecated. For Search, use the Execute method of the Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.KeywordQuery class or the Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.FullTextSqlQuery class. Represents a collection of SPSearchResult objects.
SPSearchResultCollectionPosition Deprecated. For Search, use the Execute method of the Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.KeywordQuery class or the Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.FullTextSqlQuery class. Supports paging through the results of a search and storing the state that is required to get the next page of data.
SPSecurity Provides static security management properties and methods.
SPSimpleFormattingEncodedResourceExpressionBuilder Represents an expression builder that returns an encoded resource string with simple text formatting.
SPSimpleItem Provides the methods to add, modify, or delete an [SPSimpleItem] object and the fields that are associated with that object.
SPSite Represents a collection of sites in a Web application, including a top-level Web site and all its subsites. Each SPSite object, or site collection, is represented within an SPSiteCollection object that consists of the collection of all site collections in the Web application.
SPSiteDataQuery Represents a query that can be performed across multiple lists in multiple Web sites in the same Web site collection.
SPTimeZone Represents the time zone setting that is implemented on a SharePoint Web site.
SPTimeZoneCollection Represents a collection of SPTimeZone objects.
SPTransformServer Infrastructure.
SPTransformUtilities Infrastructure.
SPUser Represents a user in Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services.
SPUserCollection Represents a collection of SPUser objects.
SPUserStorage Maintains information about the user of a Web Part Page and the amount of space the user is consuming in bytes.
SPUserStorageCollection Represents a collection of SPUserStorage objects used to maintain storage information for all users of a Web Part Page.
SPUserToken Represents the token that identifies the authentication process applied to a user.
SPView Represents a view of the data that is contained in a list on a SharePoint site.
SPViewCollection Represents a collection of SPView objects.
SPViewContext Provides specific information about the context of a view.
SPViewFieldCollection Represents the collection of fields returned in a view.
SPViewStyle Represents a style for a view.
SPViewStyleCollection Represents a collection of SPViewStyle objects.
SPWeb Represents a Windows SharePoint Services Web site.
SPWebCollection Represents a collection of SPWeb objects.
SPWebEventProperties Contains properties for Web site events.
SPWebEventReceiver Provides methods for trapping events that occur to Web sites. This class is never instantiated.
SPWebPartCollection Obsolete. Use the GetLimitedWebPartManager method of the SPFile class to return an SPLimitedWebPartManager object to manage Web Parts instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the SPWebPartCollection class represented a collection of Web Parts.)
SPWebProvisioningProperties Represents the properties of a Web site creation.
SPWebProvisioningProvider Provides a handler for responding to Web site creation.
SPWebTemplate Represents a site definition configuration or site template that is used to create SharePoint sites.
SPWebTemplateCollection Represents a collection of SPWebTemplate objects.
SPWeeklySchedule Represents a weekly schedule for a job definition.
SPWikiWelcomeFeatureReceiver Sets the Welcome Page URL for Windows SharePoint Services Web sites.
SPWorkItem Provides properties that control the characteristics and behaviors of work item object instances. This class is used in conjunction with the Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWorkItemCollection class.
SPWorkItemCollection A collection of SPWorkItem object instances. Derives from Microsoft.SharePoint.SPBaseCollection.
SPXmlDocumentCollection The XML document collection that is associated with a specific site collection.
SPYearlySchedule Represents a yearly schedule for a job definition.
Strings This type or member supports Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services and is not intended to be used directly from your code.


  Structure Description
ExternalSecurityWebProperty Provides fields that contain custom information about security used in Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services.
SPAlertEventData Provides information about an alert event.
SPAlertHandlerParams A structure containing a light weight SPAlert object and information needed to generate an alert message.
SPContentTypeId Represents the identifier (ID) of a content type.
SPSite.UsageInfo Provides fields used to access information regarding site collection usage.
SPSystemTime Provides properties used to define system date and time values.
SPTimeZoneInformation Provides fields used to define a time zone.
SPUserInfo Defines information about a user who is not currently registered in the content database.


  Interface Description
IAlertNotifyHandler Provides a method for handling the sending of an alert.
IAlertUpdateHandler Provides synchronous methods for handling alert updates made through the user interface.
IExternalSecurityWeb Provides methods that return custom information about the security used in Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services for use in indexing by a search crawler on a portal.
IFileDialogPostProcessor Provides a method for customizing the Web views used in file dialog boxes and forms of document libraries.
IListEventSink Defines the interface that a list event handler must implement to respond to events within a document library.
IRequestResources Infrastructure. Specifies an interface that checks user permissions during operations that may potentially alter content on the Web site.
ISecurableObject Exposes the role assignments for an object and manages the permissions of the object.
ISPConversionProcessor Provides methods for custom handling of transformed data, including preprocessing and postprocessing of data returned by the launcher.
ISPEventReceiversHost Defines event receivers for events associated with SharePoint objects (such as Web sites, lists, documents, content types, or specific SharePoint features.


  Delegate Description
SPContext.GetCachedField Implements a callback to check for a cached field value.
SPContext.SetCachedField Implements a callback to set cached field values.
SPFieldCollection.CreateSPFieldCallback Allows a callback to be established for a field within a collection.
SPSecurity.CodeToRunElevated Represents methods that are passed to RunWithElevatedPrivileges, so that the methods can run with Full Control privileges even if the current user does not otherwise have Full Control.


  Enumeration Description
DefaultItemOpen Specifies whether to use a rich client application or the browser to open a list item.
DraftVisibilityType Specifies the kind of user who can view the minor version of a document draft.
OfficialFileResult An enumeration which returns the result of the file submission operation against a site object.
PAGETYPE Specifies the type of a form.
RequestResources Used to filter SharePoint page metadata, and to appropriately handle command data associated with SharePoint site pages.
SPAddFieldOptions An enumerated list of options that are used to control settings that relate to default content types and content type views.
SPAlertFrequency The SPAlertFrequency enumeration specifies the time interval for sending an alert about changes to a specific list, list item, document library, or document.
SPAlertStatus Specifies the status of an alert.
SPAlertType Specifies the type of item that an alert applies to.
SPAuditEventSource Specifies whether an audited event occurred programmatically or as a result of user action through the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 UI.
SPAuditEventType Specifies types of events, for a particular site collection, site, list, folder, or list item, that are auditable by using the SPAudit class.
SPAuditItemType Specifies the types of object that can be audited.
SPAuditLocationType Specifies the actual location of a document in a SharePoint document library.
SPAuditMaskType Specifies what kind of actions and events are being audited for a particular site collection, site, list, folder, or list item object.
SPBasePermissions Specifies the built-in permissions available in Windows SharePoint Services.
SPBaseType Specifies the base type for a list.
SPCalendarOrderType Specifies the order to use for day, month, and year in calendar dates.
SPCalendarType Specifies the calendar type.
SPChangeCollection.CollectionScope Specifies the scope at which a change log is retrieved.
SPChangeType Specifies the type of change to return through a query against the change log.
SPCheckinType Specifies the type of check in for a file.
SPChoiceFormatType Specifies how options for how to display selections in a choice field.
SPCopyDestinationType Specifies the behavior used for updates of a document to a copy destination.
SPCopyErrorCode Specifies copy-specific error codes.
SPCurrencyFieldFormats Obsolete. Specifies the format to use in currency fields.
SPCustomizedPageStatus Specifies the customization status of a Windows SharePoint Services page.
SPDateTimeFieldFormatType Specifies the format to use in displaying date and time fields.
SPDistributionGroupJobType Describes a type of asynchronous operation that is performed on distribution groups.
SPEventHostType Specifies the type of object that is hosting the event.
SPEventReceiverStatus Specifies the status of trapping an event.
SPEventReceiverType Specifies the type of event that has occurred for a Windows SharePoint Services object.
SPEventType Specifies the type of event for a list, list item, document, or document library to which an alert responds.
SPFeatureScope Specifies the scope to which the feature applies.
SPFieldType Specifies a field type for a field.
SPFieldUserSelectionMode Specifies the selection mode for creating or editing column values.
SPFile.SPCheckOutStatus Specifies the check-out status for a file in a document library.
SPFileConversionResult Indicates the results of a file transform.
SPFileConversionState Specifies the conversion state for a file that is being transformed.
SPFileLevel Specifies the level of publication for a document.
SPFileSystemObjectType Specifies a type of file system object.
SPIssueList.ReportType Specifies the kind of report to use in displaying data from an Issues list.
SPListCategoryType Specifies a list template category type for use on the Create page.
SPListEventType Specifies the type of an event that occurs in a document library.
SPListTemplate.QuickLaunchOptions Specifies whether to display Quick Launch links to lists created through the list template.
SPListTemplateType Specifies the type of a list definition or a list template.
SPModerationStatusType Specifies values for content approval status of items in lists and document libraries.
SPMoveOperations Specifies criteria for how to move files.
SPNumberFormatTypes Specifies the number of decimal places to use in number and currency fields.
SPObjectType Specifies the type of object.
SPOpenBinaryOptions Provides values to pass when opening a binary stream file when using the OpenBinary or OpenBinaryStream methods.
SPPermissionGroup Represents the permissions available for role definitions on a Web site. This enumeration is obsolete. Use the SPPermissionGroup64 enumeration instead.
SPPermissionGroup64 Represents the permissions available for role definitions on a Web site.
SPPreviewValueSize Specifies the size of the preview value for a multiline text field.
SPRecycleBinItemState Specifies the Recycle Bin stage of the item.
SPRecycleBinItemType Specifies the type of Recycle Bin item.
SPRecycleBinOrderBy Specifies the column by which to order a Recycle Bin query.
SPRecycleBinType Specifies whether the Recycle Bin is the end-user or site-collection Recycle Bin.
SPRichTextMode Specifies the rich text formatting of a field.
SPRights Obsolete. Specifies the rights that apply to users, site groups, and cross-site groups.
SPRoleType Specifies the types of roles that are available for users and groups.
SPSecurity.SPOperationCode Infrastructure.
SPSite.StorageManagementInformationType Specifies the kind of storage management data to display.
SPSite.StorageManagementSortedOn Specifies whether items on a page are sorted by size (increasing or decreasing) or by date (increasing or decreasing).
SPSite.StorageManagementSortOrder Specifies the direction in which items are sorted on a page.
SPTemplateFileType Specifies the type of file that is created based on the site definition or template.
SPTransformCacheType Infrastructure.
SPUrlFieldFormatType Specifies the format used for URL fields.
SPViewCollection.SPViewType Specifies the type of view implemented for a list.
SPViewScope Specifies the recursive scope of a view for a document library.
SPWeb.WebAnonymousState Specifies settings for anonymous access to a Web site.
SPWebTemplate.TeamCollaborationSiteConfiguration Specifies the type of team collaboration site definition.
SPWebTemplate.WebTemplate Specifies the type of a site definition.
SPWorkItemStatus Specifies the current processing status of an SPWorkItem object instance. The value is passed to the InternalState property.
WebASPXPageIndexMode Sets a value that indicates one of three indexing modes that can apply to a Web page.
WffRequestType Specifies the type of file dialog box or form for a document library.