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OpenDocuments Control

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An ActiveX control that allows users to create documents based on a specified template, or to edit documents with their associated applications in the context of Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services.


When the page containing a view of the document library opens and the 2007 Microsoft Office system is installed, code in the OWS.JS file creates the control on the page as follows:

new CreateObject("SharePoint.OpenDocuments.3")


If the script on the page determines that the version of the application is Microsoft Office 2003, 2 is used as the version number. If the script on the page determines that the version of the application is earlier than Microsoft Office 2003, 1 is used as the version number.

OWS.JS is located in the Local_Drive:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\1033 directory on each front-end Web server in a Windows SharePoint Services deployment.

When a user clicks New Document on the toolbar in the list view, or clicks Edit in Application_Name on the shortcut menu or on the toolbar in Internet Explorer, methods of the OpenDocuments control are called to work with the document.

When the 2007 Office system is installed on the client computer, this control is defined in the OWSSUPP.DLL file, a dynamic-link library (DLL) that is installed on the client during the 2007 Office system setup in the Local_Drive:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE12 directory.