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filelist Parameter

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Data Type: String

When the options parameter of the put manifest Method method is set to first pass, the filelist parameter is used to specify all the files and folders contained within the manifest.

When the options parameter of the put manifest method is set to second pass, the filelist parameter is used to specify all of the files within the manifest that contain the vti_linkbar meta-key. If a file contains the vti_linkbar meta-key and it is listed in the renamed urls section at the end of the first pass of the put manifest response, the file must be handled differently than other files. Instead of passing the original file and folder name to this parameter in the second pass, the client should pass the new file and folder name recommended by the server. Files that are listed in the skip urls section at the end of the first pass must not be listed in this parameter for the second pass.


The following example shows how to specify the files and folders for this parameter.

&filelist=[Default.htm;Shared Documents;Shared Documents/File_Name.txt; 
Shared Documents/Forms;Shared Documents/Forms/AllItems.htm; 
Shared Documents/Forms/DispForm.htm;Shared Documents/Forms/EditDlg.htm; 
Shared Documents/Forms/EditForm.htm;Shared Documents/Forms/FileDlg.htm; 
Shared Documents/Forms/Upload.htm;Shared Documents/Forms/WebFldr.htm; 
Shared Documents/MyTemplate.htm]