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Global Attributes for HTML-Rendering Elements

Applies to: SharePoint Foundation 2010

The View schema of Introduction to Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML) provides several universal attributes that can be used to describe any CAML rendering element. These attributes can be implemented in standard and specialized elements in the View Schema.


The presence of any one of these attributes implies that it is TRUE (for example, HTMLEncode cannot be set to FALSE).

Universal attributes include the following:

  • AutoHyperLink — When TRUE, scans the rendering for strings that appear to be hyperlinks (for example, When it finds these strings, it automatically adds an appropriate <A> tag around the text so that the user can follow the hyperlink. HTMLEncode is assumed TRUE when AutoHyperLink is set to TRUE.

  • AutoNewLine — When TRUE, inserts <BR> tags into the text stream and replaces multiple spaces with a nonbreaking space (&nbsp;). AutoHyperLink must be TRUE for this attribute to take effect. HTMLEncode is assumed TRUE when AutoNewLine is set to TRUE.

  • Default — If the spanned text is nothing, render this text instead. For example, <ows:XML><ListProperty Select="Description" Default="This list has no description"/></ows:XML> The previous example renders the default text if there is no description for the list in question.

  • ExpandXML — When TRUE, reviews the rendered content and sends it on another pass through the CAML interpreter. This allows CAML to render CAML.

  • HTMLEncode — When TRUE, converts any embedded characters so that they are all displayed as text in the browser. This means that any characters that could be confused with HTML tags are converted to entities such as "&gt;" instead of ">".

  • StripWS — When TRUE, strips whitespace from the beginning and end of an element. For example, <ows:XML StripWS="TRUE"> Microsoft </ows:XML> renders "Microsoft" without surrounding spaces.

  • URLEncode — When TRUE, converts special characters, such as spaces, to quoted UTF-8 format (for example, %c3%ab for character ë).

  • URLEncodeAsURL — Similar to URLEncode, but assumes that what is being encoded is a path component of a URL. For example, <ows:XML URLEncodeAsURL="TRUE">SharePoint Web Site</ows:XML> renders SharePoint%20Web%20Site. This attribute, unlike URLEncode, does not encode the forward slash ("/").