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Special Purpose Mobile Pages

Applies to: SharePoint Foundation 2010

In addition to the mobile pages for wiki and Web Parts pages, there are many mobile pages in the %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\MOBILE folder that are optimized for specific purposes. For information about form pages, see Mobile Forms.

Blog Home Page

The bloghome.aspx page is optimized for presenting the home page of a blog site on mobile devices. It inherits from the SPMoblogPage class.

First Stage of Redirection Page

The SharePoint Foundation HTTP Request Handler initially redirects all requests for a Web site home page to the default.aspx page. This page, though, does not actually render. Instead, it contains a control that implements a second stage of redirection to the actual mobile home page of the Web site. Developers can configure the behavior of this second stage of redirection. For more information, see How to: Customize the Mobile Home Page Through Redirection.

List of Lists Page

The mbllists.aspx page is the mobile "list of lists" page.

List View Pages

The basic list view page is view.aspx. A URL for a mobile list view has the following format:


The structure of the list, including what fields are shown and how they are ordered, is determined by the markup in the particular list schema, a Schema.xml file that is located in the %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\TEMPLATE\FEATURES directory.

There are three special view pages that are optimized for particular kinds of lists:

  • There is a special view page for comments about an individual blog post: theviewcomment.aspx page. The URL for the page has the following format:

    https://Server/sites/Site/_layouts/mobile/viewcomment.aspx?List=GUID&PID=Integer&ViewMode=view mode

    Note that this form displays all comments, not just one. The PID parameter specifies the identity (ID) of the post that the comments are about. ViewMode is one of the values of the SPMobilePageViewMode enumeration.

  • The list of events for a particular day on a calendar on a Group Work site can be viewed, on mobile devices, with the viewdaily.aspx page. The URL has the following format:

    https://Server/sites/Site/_layouts/mobile/viewdaily.aspx?List=GUID&View=GUID&Date=ticks&User=user ID number

    ticks is the number of ticks since 12:00 midnight, January 1, 0001 C.E. in the Gregorian Calendar. A tick is 100 nanoseconds. For example, 633957408000000000 represents 8.00 AM, 7th December, 2009. For more information, see DateTime.

  • Mobile access to the Whereabouts list on a Group Work site uses the waview.aspx page. The URL has the following format:


You can create a custom list view page for any list template type.

Error and Access Denied Pages

The mblerror.aspx page is used to show error messages to users, and the mbldenied.aspx page is used to report when a user does not have access to the requested page.

Blog Site Delete Page

The delete.aspx page is used to delete a blog post or comment.

See Also


Mobile Forms

Mobile Wiki and Web Parts Pages