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RemoteScopes Members

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Provides the ability to administer a search Scope on a remote SPFarm.

The RemoteScopes type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method RemoteScopes Initializes a new instance of the RemoteScopes class.



  Name Description
Public property AllDisplayGroups Gets all of the ScopeDisplayGroup objects of the RemoteScopes. (Overrides ScopesManager.AllDisplayGroups.)
Public property AllScopes Gets all of the Scope objects managed by the RemoteScopes class. (Overrides ScopesManager.AllScopes.)
Public property AverageCompilationDuration Gets the average compilation time for the Search scopes. (Inherited from ScopesManager.)
Public property CompilationPercentComplete Gets the percentage of compilation completed for the Search scope system. (Inherited from ScopesManager.)
Public property CompilationScheduleType Gets or sets the scope compilation schedule type of the remote server Scope objects. (Overrides ScopesManager.CompilationScheduleType.)
Public property CompilationState Gets the compilation state of the Search scope system. (Inherited from ScopesManager.)
Public property LastCompilationTime Gets the date and time of the last compilation for the Search scope system. (Inherited from ScopesManager.)
Protected property LogPrefix Gets the prefix that is prepended to each log statement for RemoteScopes. (Overrides ScopesManager.LogPrefix.)
Public property NextCompilationTime Gets the date and time for the next compilation of the Search scope system. (Inherited from ScopesManager.)
Public property ScopesNeedingCompilation Gets the number of scopes that need to be compiled. (Inherited from ScopesManager.)



  Name Description
Protected method ConstructDisplayGroupFromInfo Creates a scope display group with the specified scope display group information. (Inherited from ScopesManager.)
Protected method ConstructRuleFromRuleInfo Creates a Search scope rule with specified Search scope rule information. (Inherited from ScopesManager.)
Protected method ConstructScopeFromScopeInfo Creates a Search scope with specified Search scope information. (Inherited from ScopesManager.)
Protected method EnsureFresh Refreshes the Search scope compilation information if the information is stale. (Inherited from ScopesManager.)
Protected method EnsurePopulated Sets the Search scope compilation information to the default global values if not already set. (Inherited from ScopesManager.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetDisplayGroup Gets the ScopeDisplayGroup. (Overrides ScopesManager.GetDisplayGroup(Uri, String).)
Public method GetDisplayGroupsForSite Gets an enumerator to access the [T:System.Collections.Generic.List<T>] of ScopeDisplayGroup objects. (Overrides ScopesManager.GetDisplayGroupsForSite(Uri).)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GetRulesInfo Gets a key/value pair of Search scope rules from the specified rule information collection. (Inherited from ScopesManager.)
Public method GetScope Gets the Scope. (Overrides ScopesManager.GetScope(Uri, String).)
Public method GetScopesForSite Gets an enumerator to access the [T:System.Collections.Generic.List<T>] of Scope objects. (Overrides ScopesManager.GetScopesForSite(Uri).)
Public method GetSharedScope Gets the specified global Scope that is available on any server in the SPFarm. (Overrides ScopesManager.GetSharedScope(String).)
Public method GetSharedScopes Gets an enumerator to access the [T:System.Collections.Generic.List<T>] of global search Scope objects that are available on any server in the SPFarm. (Overrides ScopesManager.GetSharedScopes().)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetUnusedScopesForSite Gets an enumerator to access the [T:System.Collections.Generic.List<T>] of the search Scope objects that are not used by any Search scope display group. (Overrides ScopesManager.GetUnusedScopesForSite(Uri).)
Protected method InitializeDetails Initializes the Search scope compilation information by using the specified global settings. (Inherited from ScopesManager.)
Protected method InitializeVolatileDetails Initializes the Search scope compilation information by using the specified volatile global settings. (Inherited from ScopesManager.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Populate Populates the search Scope compilation information from the SearchAdminDatabase. (Overrides ScopesManager.Populate().)
Protected method PruneDisplayGroupList Gets an enumerator to access the list of ScopeDisplayGroup objects associated with the specified list of information about Search display groups. (Inherited from ScopesManager.)
Protected method PruneScopeList Gets an enumerator to access the list of Scope objects associated with the specified list of information about scopes. (Inherited from ScopesManager.)
Protected method Refresh Reloads the volatile search Scope compilation information with the SearchAdminDatabase. (Overrides ScopesManager.Refresh().)
Protected method SetDisplayGroupDetails Sets the detailed information about the specified scope display group with the specified display group information. (Inherited from ScopesManager.)
Protected method SetScopeInfoOnScope Sets the detailed information about the specified scope with the specified scope information. (Inherited from ScopesManager.)
Public method StartCompilation Starts the search Scope compilation in the Search service application. (Overrides ScopesManager.StartCompilation().)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Update Updates the search Scope compilation schedule information on a remote Scope objects with information stored in the SearchAdminDatabase. (Overrides ScopesManager.Update().)



  Name Description
Protected field isChanged Indicates whether the value of the CompilationScheduleType property has changed. (Inherited from ScopesManager.)
Protected field isPopulated Indicates whether the Search scope compilation information has been reset to the default global values. (Inherited from ScopesManager.)
Protected field lastRefreshTime Represents the last time that the volatile Search scope compilation information was reset to the default global values. (Inherited from ScopesManager.)
Protected field managedPropertiesById Represents a key/value pair that stores the property IDs of the managed properties of the ScopesManager. (Inherited from ScopesManager.)
Protected field managedPropertiesByName Represents a key/value pair that stores the names of the managed properties of the ScopesManager. (Inherited from ScopesManager.)


See Also


RemoteScopes Class

Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration Namespace