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Represents a collection of synonyms for a keyword.

The SynonymCollection type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Count (Inherited from ICollection<Synonym>.)
Public property IsReadOnly (Inherited from ICollection<Synonym>.)
Public property Item Retrieves the synonym of the keyword for a given synonym term.



  Name Description
Public method Add (Inherited from ICollection<Synonym>.)
Public method AddSynonym(String) Adds a two-way synonym with the specified term to the collection.
Public method AddSynonym(String, Context) Adds a two-way synonym with the specified term and context to the collection.
Public method AddSynonym(String, SynonymExpansionType) Adds a synonym with the specified term and expansion type to the collection.
Public method AddSynonym(String, String) Add a two-way synonym with the specified name and term to the collection.
Public method AddSynonym(String, Context, SynonymExpansionType) Adds a synonym with the specified term, context and expansion type to the collection.
Public method AddSynonym(String, Nullable<DateTime>, Nullable<DateTime>) Adds a two-synonym with the specified term and date range to the collection.
Public method AddSynonym(String, String, SynonymExpansionType) Adds a synonym with the specified name, term and expansion type to the collection.
Public method AddSynonym(String, String, String) Adds a two-way synonym with the specified name, term and description to the collection.
Public method AddSynonym(String, Nullable<DateTime>, Nullable<DateTime>, SynonymExpansionType) Adds a synonym with the specified term, date range, and expansion type to the collection.
Public method AddSynonym(String, String, String, SynonymExpansionType) Adds a synonym with the specified name, term, expansion type and description to the collection.
Public method AddSynonym(String, String, String, Nullable<DateTime>, Nullable<DateTime>) Adds a two-way synonym with the specified name, term, description and date range to the collection.
Public method AddSynonym(String, String, String, Nullable<DateTime>, Nullable<DateTime>, Context) Adds a two-way synonym with the specified name, term, description, date range and context to the collection.
Public method AddSynonym(String, String, String, Nullable<DateTime>, Nullable<DateTime>, SynonymExpansionType) Adds a synonym with the specified name, term, description, date range and expansion type to the collection.
Public method AddSynonym(String, String, String, Nullable<DateTime>, Nullable<DateTime>, Context, SynonymExpansionType) Adds a synonym with the specified name, term, description, date range, context and expansion type to the collection.
Public method Clear (Inherited from ICollection<Synonym>.)
Public method Contains (Inherited from ICollection<Synonym>.)
Public method ContainsSynonym Checks if a synonym with the specified term is contained in the collection.
Public method CopyTo (Inherited from ICollection<Synonym>.)
Public method GetEnumerator() (Inherited from IEnumerable<Synonym>.)
Public method GetEnumerator() (Inherited from IEnumerable.)
Public method GetEnumerator(SynonymSortField) Gets an enumerator for all the synonyms in the collection, sorting on the specified field in ascending order.
Public method GetEnumerator(Int32, Int32) Gets an enumerator for a subset the synonyms in the collection, sorting on the synonym term in ascending order.
Public method GetEnumerator(SynonymSortField, SortDirection) Gets an enumerator for all the synonyms in the collection, sorting on the specified field in the specified direction.
Public method GetEnumerator(SynonymSortField, SortDirection, Int32, Int32) Gets an enumerator for a subset of the the synonyms in the collection, sorting on the specified filed ion the specified direction.
Public method GetSynonym Retrieves the synonym of the keyword for a specified term.
Public method Remove (Inherited from ICollection<Synonym>.)
Public method RemoveSynonym Removes the synonym with the specified term from the collection.


See Also


SynonymCollection Interface

Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Extended.Administration.Keywords Namespace