SQL Features Unavailable in Enterprise Search
Enterprise Search in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 supports a query language based on SQL; however, it does not search in a relational database with user-defined tables or indexes. Because of this, many standard SQL statements and syntax features do not apply.
Following is a list of the more significant SQL features that are not supported in Enterprise Search.
CONVERT() (use the CAST functions instead)
CREATE VIEW statement
Data definition language (DDL)
DATASOURCE statement
Date and Time formats other than ISO date and time stamp
Derived columns using AVG(), COUNT(), MAX(), MIN(), SUM(), or other calculations
GRANT statement
Hierarchical rowsets
Information schema
INSERT statement
OLE DB data types
SQL-standard regular expressions (use CONTAINS, LIKE, and MATCHES instead)
Parameters to SQL queries
Relational column comparison
Revision ID header
REVOKE statement
SCOPE aliases or revision numbers
SELECT ALL (removes duplicates automatically)
Stored procedures
Structured document expansion
UNKNOWN keyword
UPDATE statement
BATCH statements