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Expire Item and Send Notification

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The following example sends e-mail to the item owner indicating that an item that has been awaiting attention/action has now expired. The item is returned to the Draft state. This example was designed for an expense report approval process.

Sub ExpireExpenseReport()

   Dim strSubject
   Dim strBody

   strSubject = "Action Required: Expense Report Approval Request"

   strOutlookURL = GetPathAndSubject
   strBody = "There is an expense report waiting for your approval." _
      & vbCRLF & vbCRLF
   strBody = "View the expense report by clicking here. _
      <outlook://public folders/All public Folders/" _
      & strOutlookURL & ">" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF
   strBody = "----------------------------------------" & vbCRLF
   strBody = "Submitted: " & CTXT(Date) & "  " & CTXT(Time) & vbCRLF
   strBody = "Expense ending state: " & WorkflowSession.StateTo

   strSMTPAddress = WorkflowSession.Fields("ApprovalAuthority").Value

   SendMessage strSMTPAddress, strSubject, strBody

End Sub

See Also

Scripting in the Workflow Designer for Exchange Server | Script Examples for Exchange Server | Creating Script Procedures