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ScrollBars Property (ModHFGrid)

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Returns or sets a value that determines whether a ModHFGrid has horizontal and/or vertical scroll bars.


object.ScrollBars [=value]

The ScrollBars property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to the ModHFGrid Control object.
value An integer or constant that specifies the type of scroll bars, as described in Settings.


The settings for value are:

Constant Value Description
flexScrollNone 0 The ModHFGrid has no scroll bars.
flexScrollHorizontal 1 The ModHFGrid has a horizontal scroll bar.
flexScrollVertical 2 The ModHFGrid has a vertical scroll bar.
flexScrollBoth 3 The ModHFGrid has both horizontal and vertical scroll bars. This is the default.


Scroll bars appear on a ModHFGrid only if its contents extend beyond its borders and value specifies scroll bars. If the ScrollBars property is set to None, the ModHFGrid will not have scroll bars, regardless of its contents.

Note   If the ModHFGrid has no scroll bars in either direction, it will not make it possible for any scrolling in that direction, even if the user uses the keyboard to select a cell that is beyond the visible area of the control.

See Also

Scroll Event (ModHFGrid) | ScrollTrack Property (ModHFGrid) | ModHFGrid Control